Oh, yes.. that is one thing that should be mentioned in the datasheet. At least when they represent it as a hexadecimal. Hex value strongly implies an 8 bit bit-pattern. Some (most?) datasheets include the R/W bit in the address. Officially the address is 7bits of course.
I think that sounds promising at least. Better than zero. Sucks that they don't give any info about firmware versions in the datasheet.
Play with the delays. I saw this one thread where the code had 500ms delays between different drawing instruction. And he also had 500ms delay before he did anything... to let the glcd initialize.
well, I tried so many delays, but I keep reading zeros.
I also tried as you suggested to place other commands between the "Write Cursor" and "Read Cursor", but failed.
something is wrong with this GLCD or with its manual.