how to write code for displaying LM35 output on pc

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I am using the following circuit diagram for recording the temperature interfaced with pc via serial port. But i dont know how to write code for that for displaying the digital output on pc periodically??? I using C#/C++/java for coding.
Any kind of help will be appreciated.


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How is it interfaced to the PC? Have you a max232 chip to level change, as the voltage levels on the rs232 output on a PC are +15 / -15. You wll also need a driver and utilize the CTS, RTS, DSR or DTR lines.
How is it interfaced to the PC? Have you a max232 chip to level change, as the voltage levels on the rs232 output on a PC are +15 / -15. You wll also need a driver and utilize the CTS, RTS, DSR or DTR lines.

hi Ian
Its OK to link pins 1, 6 & 7 , also link pins 4 and 8 on the 9Way RS232 cable connector at the PC end, this will not require the control lines to be used/connected.

I expect the PC program to use the ON_Comm Event when data is sent from the PIC to PC.
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