howto countdown timer programmed visual basic 6

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New Member
hello guys

first of all a salute to ericgibbs for their great collaboration and time to my questions.

timer with start, stop, reset, programmable countdown.

I want to enter a time to do the count back, but if you count only income just normal time

I have good and much of the source code in visual basic 6 help I wish to correct or add more details to this timer as the web did not find much help I hope their contributions thanks for taking the time to read this post.

Greetings from Colombia.


attached a picture of how I want the timer and a zip with the source code in visual basic

good is my first post hope to do well
and I apologize for my bad English


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hi and Welcome
Would a 'seconds' count down be acceptable, or must you have 'hours,minutes,seconds'.?
hi Johan,
Look at this option, all in the zip file.

As you are interested in timers, I have added a second zipped VB file


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hi there look at this another example

hi there look at this another example I want the time you enter is fijaen but make the text in the label off, but this example has a small inconvenience when I start counting again, does not break as the first thing you mostre.

the problem is in the variable m_StopTime = Now

time_now = Now


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Option Explicit

Private m_StopTime As Date

Private Sub cmdGo_Click()
Dim fields() As String
Dim hours As Long
Dim minutes As Long
Dim seconds As Long

fields = Split(txtDuration.Text, ":")
hours = fields(0)
minutes = fields(1)
seconds = fields(2)

m_StopTime = Now
m_StopTime = DateAdd("h", hours, m_StopTime)
m_StopTime = DateAdd("n", minutes, m_StopTime)
m_StopTime = DateAdd("s", seconds, m_StopTime)

tmrWait.Enabled = True
End Sub

Private Sub tmrWait_Timer()
Dim time_now As Date
Dim hours As Long
Dim minutes As Long
Dim seconds As Long

time_now = Now
If time_now >= m_StopTime Then

Me.WindowState = vbMaximized
tmrWait.Enabled = False
lblRemaining.Caption = "0:00:00"
seconds = DateDiff("s", time_now, m_StopTime)
minutes = seconds \ 60
seconds = seconds - minutes * 60
hours = minutes \ 60
minutes = minutes - hours * 60

lblRemaining.Caption = _
Format$(hours) & ":" & _
Format$(minutes, "00") & ":" & _
Format$(seconds, "00")
End If
End Sub

what is red is the problem, that time = now and clicking on the button "go" again starts counting again


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When you post code, please post the full program.
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No Eric! the code is correct. But the m_stoptime variable is not being accumulated .

m_StopTime = DateAdd("h", hours, m_StopTime)
m_StopTime = DateAdd("n", minutes, m_StopTime)
m_StopTime = DateAdd("s", seconds, m_StopTime)
Should be
m_StopTime = m_StopTime + DateAdd("h", hours, m_StopTime)
m_StopTime = m_StopTime + DateAdd("n", minutes, m_StopTime)
m_StopTime = m_StopTime + DateAdd("s", seconds, m_StopTime)

Then you will have a future time.

Sorry scratch that I didn't see that m_stoptime is being passed by value..
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Sorry scratch that I didn't see that m_stoptime is being passed by value.
hi Ian.
You really must put that pint glass down...

The OP and I have go two timers working OK, the major problem is the language translation Spanish into English, but we will get there eventually.

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I'm sorry to barge in.. I thought it was your comments in the quotation...

I don't know why you assume I'm reading the post wrong. It appeared correct to me..
I'm sorry to barge in.. I thought it was your comments in the quotation...

I don't know why you assume I'm reading the post wrong. It appeared correct to me..

hi Ian,
Is this for me or the OP.???
Don't follow what you mean.
It was for you Eric!
I read this post as is. I didn't see any problems with communication (language barrier), It honestly seemed to me that the OP was still having difficulty with the code posted, not once does it mention that all was well!
It was for you Eric!
I read this post as is. I didn't see any problems with communication (language barrier), It honestly seemed to me that the OP was still having difficulty with the code posted, not once does it mention that all was well!

hi Ian,
No problem.
Some of the project was covered on the NEW Chat rooms, also by a PM.

I believe Ivan has enough info to proceed, as I said this is about the third timer, for different jobs, we have covered.
Thats one thing that bothers me. People have no way of telling whats going on if its being resolved elsewhere....
Thats one thing that bothers me. People have no way of telling whats going on if its being resolved elsewhere....

I do my best to divert them to start a new thread, which Ivan did.

Its clear on my Signature I will not help technically using PM's
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