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Http/Ftp server

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New Member
I want to design a device with using RTL8019, microchip/8051 microcontroller , USB device PDIUSBD12 .

USB interface will connect to usb disk(or it can be replaced by a IDE HardDisk) which act as the storage.

Is it possible and efficient to develop and ,may be in short , worth to do that?
Or any other suggesttion/reference on this?

Yes its possible, but not the eayest way, there can be lots of debate if we start to mention ethernet "solutions" but my personal fav is the XPort, this is a small device that containes EVERYTHING you need to use the ehternet, you just interface serially, it has all the code for HTTP + FTP on it already.

As for USB, if you have ethernet do you realy need it, there has been a lot of sugestion that with these new ethernet single package solutions, ethernet is easyer, more reliable and faster!

I think i saw somthing about using a PDIUSB12 (thats phillips semi yeh?) on
ethernet connection

If you want to "roll your own", check out the "Ethernut" project, an open-source hardware project for embedded ethernet devices. Lots of detailed information here: Also, take a look at for a 8051 based design.

For a low-cost (but labor intensive) solution, consider using a surplus ethernet card connected to the microcontroller of your choice. Surplus cards are very inexpensive (CSO sells ISA versions for $1, PCI versions for $3; some of the ISA cards I purchased from them use the RTL8019 controller), and let you avoid the time and expense of re-inventing the wheel. ISA connectors can be hard to find, you can re-cycle them from old motherboards (CSO sells "dead" socket-7 motherboards for $3, these are also good for getting PCI connectors and 72-pin memory SIMM sockets).

**broken link removed**
Ethernet controller

The latest "Nuts & Volts" issue has simple Ethernet transceiver project using a PIC16F877 and a RTL8019AS. Some of the $1 NIC boards I've purchased from CSO use the RTL8019A or AS. The "A" version of the chip requires an external 16K SRAM.

drivers and a datasheet for the RTL8019AS: **broken link removed**
About XPort

Tell me please how can you transfer information from pic to xport ?
I'm new in xport and I know hou can I do that !
I powered the xport and it work nice in lan,I can setting I can view web pages loaded in but I don't how can I contunue the project.
Please help me if it's posible.

Thank you very much

Don Mario
Check out

I currently am using siteplayers throughout the house controlling everything from my lights to my home theater system. All through my network. Very cool little device.
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