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I beated two kids and i feel awful.

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Yeah, it's easy to talk when you're not in the situtation. I'm reading the "life-threatening situtations" thread and personally, I don't know if I would realize that I was in a situtation that I would need to fight my way out of.
Definitely get some sort of video camera set up, and get something recorded. Ask around the neighborhood, and see who else has had problems. It's unlikely you are the first, or this will be the end of it. They are going to get worse, until the police catch them. Worst the courts will give you is probation and a record. Too bad you posted this publicly, never admit to anything, let them prove it.

I'm 6'4", and a little over 200 lbs, so seldom get into anything physical, not to mention I like large breed dogs. Sometimes I run into people that talk a lot of trash, but its just words. Cats are cheap to replace, but are usually pretty good at taking care of themselves. My Siamese would have scratched them silly, she had no fear.

Anyway, if a kid gets physical with me, he's going to be dealt with like an adult, and learn the respect his parents should have taught him. Even a small child (6 years old) can fire a gun and kill. An 11 year old can be fatal with a knife. I have no intention of being a victim in the morgue. Like I said, the courts will most likely just give probation, a nuisance, but much better than the alternative.

If you can't afford a camera, get a fake one ($10+/-), or throw something together the looks like it could be a security camera. If they believe their actions will come back to haunt them, no way to lie about it...
Alphacat -- read my sig line and use me as your proxy -- have them come over to your monitor, standing real close to it. I reach through and slap them a good one --- meantime you never laid a hand on them! They've been cyber-spanked and send them on their way.:rolleyes:;)
Alphacat -- read my sig line and use me as your proxy -- have them come over to your monitor, standing real close to it. I reach through and slap them a good one --- meantime you never laid a hand on them! They've been cyber-spanked and send them on their way.:rolleyes:;)

I can feel that wake up call from here.:D


Edit: Every once and a while I need one. Life slaps much, much harder.;)
If I had a 13 year old kid and some 22 year old male blackened his eye, regardless of what they did, I would be looking for a little payback. If I were you, I would be worried on three fronts. Angry brother, angry fathers, and litigation.
Very foolish response by you and perhaps this worry you now carry is deserved. Animal abuse is ugly and wrong, but as an adult you should have conducted yourself as an adult as I am sure there were more responsible ways in which to handle the situation.

If you were in the U.S. you would most likely be in jail right now. Where exactly are you from?
Not suprising since it seems many parents will stick by their kids regardless of ANYTHING they did.
from what I've gathered in the US it's more relaxed, you can shoot them if they refuse to leave.

I have no idea where you got this tidbit of info from, but it is very incorrect. You can not shoot someone in America just because they will not leave your domicile.

Deadly force is only permissible when the personal safety of you or a family member is threatened by the intruder. For example; a robber breaks into your house and starts taking your possessions, you awaken and approach the robber, the robber attempts to flee your residence but you unleash your wrath and put a few extra crevices in his back. This would be considered murder. Reason being the robber was attempting to flee and your life was no longer in danger, so in shooting the robber you acted with excess force. Get what I mean?
Not suprising since it seems many parents will stick by their kids regardless of ANYTHING they did.

Are you saying that if some adult smacked your child and blackened his eye that you would do nothing? I would have little respect for such a person.

Maybe you will change your attitude once you have children. Adults should never use excess force on a child such as described in this post. Surely other forms of restraint could have been used.
I'd like to would depend on the story the kid told me and how much of the actual truth I knew. Maybe my attitude would change if I had kids, maybe not. But don't think for a second that I don't know what it was like to have vastly excessive force used on my by an adult. Probably far worse than those kids for something that wasn't even physical- speaking up was enough. That's probably why I'm less disturbed by this than you seem to be. I've moderated those experiences down to the more reasonable belief of an "eye for an eye". Doesn't matter who it is. I have also had to deal with "weaker" people hurling heavy things at me. To me this seems more like appropriate force, than excessive. I don't know why you think what you think, but that's why I think what I think.
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I'd like to would depend on the story the kid told me and how much of the actual truth I knew. Maybe my attitude would change if I had kids, maybe not. But don't think for a second that I have a skewed opinion because I do not know what it was like to have vastly excessive force used on my by an adult. Probably far worse than those kids for something that wasn't even physical- speaking up was enough. I've moderated those experiences down to the more reasonable belief of an "eye for an eye". Doesn't matter who it is. I don't know why you think what you think, but that's why I think what I think.

An eye for a eye does not apply to children as adults should have the wisdom and foresight to make the right decision. It is the adult that must make the right choice and act accordingly, to stoop to a childlike level only demonstrates childlike behavior by the adult and perhaps this person has much growing up to do.

As Alphacat stated he was twice the size of these youngsters, yet chose to smack them in the face with fist, surely he could have just restrained the children from throwing rocks with his strength alone, yet he chose excessive force. To me this is very wrong and I will not feel sorry if he is prosecuted. As adults we are expected to conduct ourselves in a mature manner, this is what separates a child and an adult.

I agree there are kids out there that seem hopeless and beyond the point of no return, this does not justify vigilante justice.
Maybe the world looks different when you're twice as tall as people. The only people I'm twice as tall as are people who aren't old enough to speak intelligbly.

I'm also not below sinking to someone else's level to deal with them if I see them getting away with something. I guess that's where we differ. To me, the golden rule works both ways.
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I must say something to explain why I did what I did.
Only at the third time they stoned my cats, I chased one of them until I catched him and "only" tossed him on the floor.
I punched the second kid only right after he hit the back of my head with a wood.
It was an instinctive action, that when someone hits you with a tool, and still holding this tool and not running, then you just knock him down.
You really expect an adult to be hit by a wood, have this kid keep standing in front of him with that wood, and that adult would leave and call the cops?
And all this after these kids stoned his cats 3 times after 2 warnings?
My bads were that I threatened to kill them if they touch my cats after they only bugged them, and that at the 2nd time they stoned them, I threw a rock towards them (I wanted it to hit them but i missed).
A number of adults have been killed in the UK by these 'innocent little troll's'.

The penalty for this type of attack on an adult IMO should be very severe, the courts in the UK are far too lenient with this type of yobbish behaviour.

If you think you can reason with these yobs, forget it, I would use sufficient physical force as is necessary to get your message across.

ie: dont mess with me or I'll kick the crap out of you.!!
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Here too actually. I think a 12 year old girl and two 13 year old boys beat a 34 year old woman to death. Not before robbing her, stripping her, and urinating on her though.

I believe there is also a much more recent one (like within a year) where two 12-13 year old boys killed someone. It could have been the same case though, my memory is a bit fuzzy on it.
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I think there is a law that prohibits cruelty to animals. Legally there is some hope for you. Though you should not have taken the law into your hands....
A number of adults have been killed in the UK by these 'innocent little troll's'.

The penalty for this type of attack on an adult IMO should be very severe, the courts in the UK are far too lenient with this type of yobbish behaviour.

If you think you can reason with these yobs, forget it, I would use sufficient physical force as is necessary to get your message across.

ie: dont mess with me or I'll kick the crap out of you.!!

Interesting to see how cultural differences come into play on such a topic. Hmm, maybe I can write a paper on this. :)
See if you can track the differences down to differences in gun laws. Restrictive use of more force vs. or freer use of less force.
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Try to keep in mind, we are only getting one side of the story...
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