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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

I don't want to be a newby.

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Well, I generally find the moderators here quite good, there are of course exceptions. . .

I think that Bryan has taken a dislike to me for my "nazi moderator" remark. All I can say is that I do my best to admit when I'm wrong and I've apologised to him for that via private message but apparently that wasn't good enough so he can take this as a public apology: Bryan sorry for the nazi moderator remark, it was uncalled for.

However, I'm not retracting any of the comments made in my previous post, I still think that Bryan's attitude is unacceptable.
I agree with Eric Gibbs. I have no complaints about Electro Master nor the Moderators here.
I've had some complaints about the moderation, but I've taken them up directly with the moderator. Seems most of the people complaining about the moderation are those who've received infractions or bans for flagrant rules violations. Bryan1 has ruffled some feathers (including mine) but whatever he has done with this forum, it was worked. There is far less abuse lately, and the forum is multi-topical. Not every thread has to end on the same topic.
For the record, I've had neither a ban nor an infraction, or even a warning PM from any of the Mods or Admin.

EDIT: I have had a poor choice of sig removed.

I also have no problem with the general running of this great forum. I do however think that Mods should refrain from obvious 'digs'.

The suggestion for an additional Mod or two came from seeing Nigel as the only regularly active person. (I'm not volunteering BTW)

Bryan and ElectroMaster are at the opposite side of the globe and probably have day jobs too.

Sooooo, I was thinking out loud about a few of our other members being quite suitable for the position and also the time zones covering when the current team are probably offline.

My short-list of ideal candidates, if anyone is interested:

(In no particular order)

Eric Gibbs
Bill (Blueroom)
Dknugyen (sp?)

They are all regularly active, knowlegeable and pretty non-confrontational and if they were willing would likely make a great addition to the team.

My 1p again.
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I've been banned, had a few infractions and had some of my posts removed. The amount of times a moderator has taken action against me doesn't alter my opinion of them, as long as I see their action as fair, impartial and in accordance with the rules of the forum, for example Nigel has removed more of my posts than Bryan ever has but I hold him in higher regard than Bryan because he is impartial and fair and doesn't make infametory remarks about me or anyone else.

If anyone thinks that I am posting too much they're entitled to their opinion but the correct of action, would be to talk to ElectroMaster about imposing a limit on the number of posts one can make per day, rather than making defamatory comments about me.

Anyway, I know that I'm far too controversial to become a moderator and I wasn't even seriously contemplating it so I'll add a couple of nominations:

By the way 3V0 is already a moderator.
I've been banned, had a few infractions and had some of my posts removed. The amount of times a moderator has taken action against me doesn't alter my opinion of them, as long as I see their action as fair, impartial and in accordance with the rules of the forum, for example Nigel has removed more of my posts than Bryan ever has but I hold him in higher regard than Bryan because he is impartial and fair and doesn't make infametory remarks about me or anyone else.

If anyone thinks that I am posting too much they're entitled to their opinion but the correct of action, would be to talk to ElectroMaster about imposing a limit on the number of posts one can make per day, rather than making defamatory comments about me.

Anyway, I know that I'm far too controversial to become a moderator and I wasn't even seriously contemplating it so I'll add a couple of nominations:

By the way 3V0 is already a moderator.

Isn't the number of times you have had infractions, posts removed, banned, etc, telling you something.:confused:
Being controversial is one thing, but being a constant pain in the backside is another.

IIRC you said you were in dispute with mods on another Forum.?

In your constant moaning you keep taking pokes at the moderator Bryan1 and when he defends himself, 'he's a bad moderator'

Why don't you give us all a break and stop your griping, I expect most of the Forum members are here for the technical interest, not to see the pages full of pointless bickering.

BTW: 3v0 stopped being a moderator months ago.!

I guess I could banned for this post, but its well worth it.:mad:
IIRC you said you were in dispute with mods on another Forum.?
Come on, you know nothing about that.

I wasn't the only person who had a problem with him, everyone on the forum did, in the end there was one big fight and the administrator revoked his moderator status.

In your constant moaning you keep taking pokes at the moderator Bryan1 and when he defends himself, 'he's a bad moderator'
Again please stop talking about things you know nothing about. I made one jive at Bryan about being a Nazi moderator which I apologised for soon after via private message. I have admitted that it was a mistake on many occasions.

Since then he has made numerous personal attacks towards me, it is only in this thread when I have defended myself.

You've completely ignored the fact that this thread was fine until Bryan posted.

Besides none of this has anything to do with you.
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Come on, you know nothing about that.

I wasn't the only person who had a problem with him, everyone on the forum did, in the end there was one big fight and the administrator revoked his moderator status.

Again please stop talking about things you know nothing about. I made one jive at Bryan about being a Nazi moderator which I apologised for soon after via private message. I have admitted that it was a mistake on many occasions.

Since then he has made numerous personal attacks towards me, it is only in this thread when I have defended myself.

You've completely ignored the fact that this thread was fine until Bryan posted.

Besides none of this has anything to do with you.

Nigel has removed more of my posts than Bryan ever has but I hold him in higher regard than Bryan because he is impartial and fair and doesn't make infametory remarks about me or anyone else.

You've completely ignored the fact that this thread was fine until Bryan posted.

Well, I generally find the moderators here quite good, there are of course exceptions. . .

EM is pretty busy and probably doesn't even know enough about how good or bad someone is to make that kind of decision and just relying on one person isn't good because if someone doesn't get on with them, their reputation will suffer, even though there might get on fine with everyone else.

You're entitled you your opinion, just as I am to mine, for the record in my opinion, you're a very bad moderator because you're not impartial and you discourage people from reporting bad posts.

This is the constant poking I am posting about, you say one thing then you add an undertone to get your poke in, what do you expect Bryan1 to do, just sit back and take it.

Besides none of this has anything to do with you.

As a fellow member it has got something to do with me and any other member who wishes to post his opinions, remember you may treat this site as your personal blog, but I until Electromaster tells me otherwise I will post as and when I feel the need.
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I will correct the display of the previous post.
Well here we have gone from "I don't want to be a newby" to the forum in general and the moderation of the forum. I may as well ad my two cents or one pence or whatever.

Being new here I don't know the moderators but I have read the forum rules, which like most forums of this type are pretty well spelled out and simple. I moderate in a few forums including one large computer related forum, to my way of thinking the moderators here seem to do a good job. Moderating isn't always easy in a forum of this size.

My personal view is simple. You break the rules you generally get a little warning PM, you commit a major infraction, you get a temporary ban based on the infraction. You really piss everyone off, you get a permanent ban. Generally if I feel a ban is in order I will discuss it with other moderators and admins in a section we have for things like that. Moderators as a team need to work for the best interest of the forums in general. The fact that I personally may or may not care for a member can never enter into my decision making process. Likewise for me to ever "bait" a forum member with an ultimate goal of a ban is out of the question. If or when I may have something to say to a forum member it absolutely never goes into a public thread to be read by all members.

The moderators here seem an easy going group. As a moderator here, following this thread, I would likely have closed the thread when it drifted off topic. The person(s) derailing the thread would have received a gentle PM suggesting it was unwise to derail the thread. No big deal. I also would have initially left a post suggesting the thread remain on topic.

The function or job of a moderator is to moderate plain and simple. They have to look out for the best interest of the forum in general, they need to keep threads organized and on topic. They need to make damn sure members treat each other with respect and courtesy.

Just My Take on Some of This.....
EM is pretty busy and probably doesn't even know enough about how good or bad someone is to make that kind of decision and just relying on one person isn't good because if someone doesn't get on with them, their reputation will suffer, even though there might get on fine with everyone else.
Come on Eric that wasn't intended as a personal attack against ElectroMaster, you should know that.

It was my opinion, someone suggested letting ElectroMaster decide who has good or bad reputation and I merely stated the fact that he isn't around enough and that I don't think it's a very good idea to delegate rating to one person. I would've said exactly the same about, you audioguru, Nigel or anyone else for that matter. It now seems you're looking for ways to make it seem like I'm attacking people when I'm not.

Let ElectroMaster be the judge of whether he finds my remark offensive or not and if he does find it offensive I sincerely apologise because it was not intended to be a personal attack.

Anyway I'm not going to argue with you any more.

I apologise to everyone for mishandling the situation. I should've reported the offending post and sent both Bryan and ElectroMaster a private message rather than starting a fight.

I've now sent EM a PM and have gone back and reported the offending posts, including some of my own.
I am not arguing with you, I am just stating my opinion about on how I have read your posts regarding Bryan1, recent and your pre-banning posts.

The bottom line which you seem to be having a problem accepting or understanding is that Electromaster did appoint Bryan1 as a Moderator.

You either have to work with that decision or move on, its as simple as that.
Be nice now.;)

Or I may have to apply for a moderators position! :eek:
I don't want to be a moderator here.
A little school kid was a moderator (can you believe it?) and when I called him a little school kid who sounds like a little girl on a recording then he gave me an infraction that did nothing. Now he is gone and I hope he grows up (and his voice deepens).
I was given a inappropriate language infraction on post 14 for this thread.

I would still like to know what words in that post where inappropriate or considered real honest swear words according to the real ETO rules and guidelines. :(

Speaking of which, where exactly are the real ETO rules and guidelines we are all supposed to be adhering to and moderators are supposed to referance their judgments to any way? :confused:
I seem to see a lot of 'just make it up and enforce it as you feel like it' rulings going on around here. :(
Too many thin-skinned folks here.... life isn't fair ... we get blamed for something we didn't do ... we get accused by the exaggerations of another .... we spend too much time and effort trying to right a wrong, while we miss the bigger picture. Get my point here?
Sometimes it's just easier to drop it and move on for the good of the order. :)
I was given a inappropriate language infraction on post 14 for this thread.

I would still like to know what words in that post where inappropriate or considered real honest swear words according to the real ETO rules and guidelines. :(

Speaking of which, where exactly are the real ETO rules and guidelines we are all supposed to be adhering to and moderators are supposed to referance their judgments to any way? :confused:
I seem to see a lot of 'just make it up and enforce it as you feel like it' rulings going on around here. :(

hi tcmtech,
The site rules are here:

and reporting a post:
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