I need a better battery can some advise......

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New Member
Hi Guys,

I need your help.....I have a new product which uses CR927 batteries.....but I need them to be a little more powerful...maybe more voltage?

Do you know of any batteries around the same shape and size as the CR927 button cell but a little more powerful ?

The battery is used to power 6 very small LED's lights.

OK, I understand.

Is there 2 batteries that I could fit into the approx same space i.e.
CR927 = 9mm dia x 2.7mm thick
New battery = 10mm dia x 1.5mm thick

This would give me 6v over 3v.

Any advice is much appreciated.

The CR927 battery cell is so small that it might dimmly light a couple of LEDs for a couple of minutes.
Two battery cells can dimmly light twice as many LEDs for a couple of minutes.
You might look at the CR2540. It has a high current capability and higher amp hour rating.
You are making light that needs energy. A tiny battery has very little energy.
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