i need a circuit for switching 5 mhz 150v -150v

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New Member
as i have written i need a circuit that switches and creats a frequency of 5 mhz,
and switches 150v and -150v with transistors npn mpsa42, and pnp mpsa92.
i have tried switching with normal configuration oscillator connected to resistor in the base
of the transistors and the best frequency i have got was 500khz.
can someone give me the correct circuit.
+150 to -150 volts = 300 volts.

300 volts on a 300 volt part is questionable.

5mhz signal with 50mhz transistors; so the voltage gain must be less than 10.
I assume you mean 5 MHz, not 5 milliHerz

What type of load impedance are you trying to drive? Switching 5 MHz at ±150V into even a small capacitive load will dissipate a lot of power. For example, a 50pF stray load will dissipate 5.6W.
There transistors run fastest at 2 to 3mA. With this little current it will be hard to swing 300 volts in 100nS. The capacitive load is about 5pF from the transistors + stray capacitance. good luck
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