i need help with my very -very small project...

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thenkx for all your reply on this project,, hello frends.... this project did not worked ...i am working on some thing new and it is half done......but i am stuck now...please help
thenkx for all your reply on this project,, hello frends.... this project did not worked ...i am working on some thing new and it is half done......but i am stuck now...please help..............
thenkx for all your reply on this project,, hello frends.... this project did not worked ...i am working on some thing new and it is half done......but i am stuck now...please help..,,..
thenkx for all your reply on this project,, hello frends.... this project did not worked ...i am working on some thing new and it is half done......but i am stuck now...please help,...
thenkx for all your reply on this project,, hello frends.... this project did not worked ...i am working on some thing new and it is half done......but i am stuck now...please help../.
thenkx for all your reply on this project,, this project did not worked ...i am working on some thing new and it is half done......but i am stuck now...please help..,./
my new project is connecting the PS2' controller to the computer.......

i had done half work on that .... all the push button on that controller is working....
but i am playing the game called condition-zero by that controller ..and that game needs a mouse kind of controller to control the gun pointer so...

i want to know that is there any way that i can connect the stick ( of that ps2 controller) to the computer mouse ..so i can move the gun pointer without the mouse.....

i have a idea but i did not know that it will work or not... what i think is that ..there are two switches (in the stick switch of the controller) like the volume control switch on any tape recorder. so i want to connect it to the IC on the mouse... so if i move the stick than the IC of a mouse will move the pointer on the computer.... can it be done??????
How many times did you have to post this within 15 minutes? I think it was already answered in your other thread on the exact same problem.
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