i need some of your ideas

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New Member
help me to make an simple an easy electronics project that is unique..aand if you have the schematic diagram please give me also..thanks
But if we know of a project already then yours won't be unique! YOU have to think of the project, then check online to make sure it hasn't been described before, anywhere on the planet.
Here is a unique project - hasn't been invented yet:

construct an inflatable* tooth brush with high pressure flushing system and a deep freezing automatic to freeze the smile in the face.

* should be variable to fit for human and all animal teeth from mouse to elephant.

Pssst, buddy! <opens trenchcoat> Here's a great project that's the easiest project in the world to build -- the parts count is zero except for some connecting wire. Make the circuit shown in the attachment (use superconducting wire). Then cool it to below the superconducting temperature and establish a current in it. The current will continue to flow and you can amaze your friends and be the only one on your block with such a nice project. Use liquid helium and you can also have fun playing with it too.


  • superconducting_circuit.jpg
    3.7 KB · Views: 119
....but don't keep it in your pants pocket. You might live to regret that ;-)
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