i think this is a microcontroller ??

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New Member
So i was taking stuff apart and i found this one IC that looks like a micro controller

this is how it looks:

D553C 236

so i am guessing it is a jvc d553c 236 but i can not find a datasheet for it or any information on it.

P.S. it has 42 pins
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It is not worth salavaging microcontrollers. In general they have fixed programs that can not be changed. They are useless.

You can buy a large number of microcontrollers with onboard flash memory for less then $5.
well on the circuit the IC was able to be taken out for easy changeability and the bored it was on looked a lot like a Basic stamp kinda thing

anyway even if it is useless i would still like some info on it.

also my parents are not to big on the buying things on the internet (damn wish i was 18 haha) also i am a big DIY person and i have a budget of 0$ what i find to take apart is what parts i have.
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andynerd said:
well on the circuit the IC was able to be taken out for easy changeability and the bored it was on looked a lot like a Basic stamp kinda thing

anyway even if it is useless i would still like some info on it.

Like I said above, it's a mask programmed micro-controller, that's all there is to know about it really - you can't read it, you can't alter it, all you can do is use it to control that one specific TV.
aww well meh nothing i can do! see i saw this diy laptop (more like DIY oversize calculator) and i thought it would be a good grade nine science project ! instant A!! but like i said i can't get things off the internet so i can't get a microcontrollers unless i find it i have loads of re- programmable eproms but no microcontrollers. anyone know what i could take apart to get one? haha i was thinking of using a Nintendo ds cpu then i could integrate thetouchscreen

here is the project: **broken link removed**
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