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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

I turned 50 today. Feel like a dinosaur. How old are you guys???

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I have just one word to describe all the whippersnappers that just turned fifty ............. ROOKIES ! :woot:
LONG time since I was called a rookie....

To get to 70 I need another 20 years and a very nubile Wife :p
Like wise..... I'm with you there Tv!!
I just turned 70. Remember the adage: "Be happy you are old. A lot of people don't get that privilege."

Love you John...not really.

But you know what I mean :cool:

One Guy to another. Stay well and keep going :)

Old cigarettes just ran out. Damn.

Must drive now. See you Guys tomorrow.

I am 68 and during my last post 6 months ago I felt like I was about 45. I exercised during the summer and today I feel like I am 30.

I keep telling myself "eat veggies with your food". Nah.

I never listen to myself. Only advice given here.

LOL. So far so good.

I keep telling myself "eat veggies with your food". Nah.

I never listen to myself. Only advice given here.

LOL. So far so good.

I love vegetables, I try to only eat enough meat I can put in the palm of my hand, I also don't use processed sugar, I used local honey produced a block away from my house. I eat vegetables grown locally as well in season. Nothing better than a veggie dinner, made of Squash, green peppers, onion, snapped peas, garlic pepper, served with rice, or baby red potatoes in a rosemary and sea salt pesto.

Edit: For breakfast I like eggs but at 56 I'm only eating egg whites, seems ok I still get the egg flavor.
Hi killivolt,

I have cut my meat consumption down too, but a big part of that is my current lifestyle. I do enjoy a big steak or pork chop a couple times a week.

The myths regarding the "bad" yolk of eggs has been the subject of several recent articles. The Cleveland Clinic, I believe, is generally a reliable source of medical information. Here is what it has to **broken link removed**:
Myth 4: If you have high cholesterol, stop eating eggs

Eggs are, in some ways, the perfect food. A 2011 study in the journal Food Chemistry found that regular egg consumption may be associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer because of their high levels of antioxidants. And several studies, including one in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, have found that eggs may help lower blood pressure as well. In addition to their antioxidants, eggs supply a tremendous amount of protein and nutrients in a low-calorie, low-carbohydrate and cheap package.

And, if you scan down the chart here , you will see the nutritional value of eating the yolk too. Notice vitamin B12, which is not in vegetables.

Interesting, I made the mistake of consuming some Yummy Pork Ribs once, on the same day as my Health insurance did a Blood Test. It actually came back a little high. I told the Agent about it and they were surprised, but back then I was much more active than I am now. I mean exercising and I was lifting heavy Appliances etc every day, I can't do that much now day's. Although, I don't send an e-mail when I can get up and walk to a cube or office only 40 yards away. I'm probably doing a fast walk up 5 miles a day, on other day maybe more I take the stairs when I have had my Asthma Medicine.

John, I'll consider it maybe 2 or 3 times a week, I enjoy a good egg, alway's have.


Edit: I'm going to consider an Exercise regime a combination light weight lifting and get back into my Martial Art "Wing Chung" after a 2 hr hand to hand combat your sweating to the oldies hahhaha.

After 2 thousand sun punches and then 1/2 hr in a standing locked resting leg position, knees bent and one arm back fingers up hand 1" in front of your chest and the other hand out palm up, and then do this while doing internal obdominal breathing Technics. I guarantee you will be drenched in your own sweat as if you had been doing any other exercises.
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i am 13!! dad is or must be nearly 50 he says 47 but i think he is probably a bit older ;) mum is younger than dad and older than me and thats all the info i can get from her! younger sister is 4, elder sisters are 27 and 25
LG, I wish I could do it all over again, I would spend more time in my Maths and concentrate on my English.

Hi killivolt,

I have cut my meat consumption down too, but a big part of that is my current lifestyle. I do enjoy a big steak or pork chop a couple times a week.

The myths regarding the "bad" yolk of eggs has been the subject of several recent articles. The Cleveland Clinic, I believe, is generally a reliable source of medical information. Here is what it has to **broken link removed**:

And, if you scan down the chart here , you will see the nutritional value of eating the yolk too. Notice vitamin B12, which is not in vegetables.


You might have some interest in this, I use it everyday.......Helps my minor Arthritis and exercise pain.
Thanks. I will look for Moringa. My bro in Palm Springs may be able to grow it.

Thanks. I will look for Moringa. My bro in Palm Springs may be able to grow it.


John, he just might be able to grow some there. I have met and talked at length with the owner of this site. He's an amazing person, he really is a caring individual, I don't know if he's selling Insurance by day or if he's been able to just do this, he is alway's looking for smart intelligent growers. He will help in way to establish and help sell if he can produce enough.

Here is his sight I can get his e-mail if you like, I'll just PM you. FYI, my wife has MS and this also helps with low energy. His first name is Rodney.

Edit: He has very reasonable prices, I alway's buy 2 - 3 pounds at a time to save on Shipping.
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Thanks. I will look for Moringa. My bro in Palm Springs may be able to grow it.


Hey check this out, Smoked Salmon with capers, poached eggs with hollandaise sauce on 9 grain toast, I also had some, sweet dill and onion hash browns

We were at a beer festival at Snowbird Ut. Great place, ski resort, really cheap this time of the year, the hotel was only $60 a night and includes breakfast. Yummy.


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Anyone worried about aging should watch this. **broken link removed**

It's a bit long but well worth watching if you want to avoid alzheimers, cancer and diabetes.

It's a bit long but well worth watching if you want to avoid alzheimers, cancer and diabetes.

Yes, it is long. Yes, I would like to avoid Alzheimer's, cancer, and diabetes. But, how is watching the former related to the latter?

It appears to be just another glib sales pitch for a new diet plan. What unique health benefits does alternate-day fasting provide compared to other healthy life styles? Where are the data to support the claims? What are the specific diseases that can be cured by this diet?

What percentage of the individuals with the healthy appearing, attractive bodies used as background adhere to this diet?

Yes, it is long. Yes, I would like to avoid Alzheimer's, cancer, and diabetes. But, how is watching the former related to the latter?

It appears to be just another glib sales pitch for a new diet plan. What unique health benefits does alternate-day fasting provide compared to other healthy life styles? Where are the data to support the claims? What are the specific diseases that can be cured by this diet?

What percentage of the individuals with the healthy appearing, attractive bodies used as background adhere to this diet?

The tribe that was immune to cancer and the reduction in IGF1 seemed pretty conclusive to me. Plus this is a BBC documentary and Michael Mosley has made some remarkable programs so I don't see how it's a glib sales pitch! Each to their own I guess.

As is so often the case, entrepreneurial scams contain a kernel of science. Stanley Meyer's HHO is one example. The alternate-day fasting diet presented in that video may be another, particularly in the absence of controlled studies of survival rates, demonstrated cancer cures, and so forth.

The potential role of IGF-1 in cancer has long been suspected. William Daugaday, referenced in many articles as the discoverer of IGF-1, and others were clearly aware of that association decades ago.* Moreover, protein restriction probably reduces IGF-1 ( (Kinda makes one wonder about another fad diet espoused by Adkins that resulted in all the advertising for "low carb" foods, doesn't it?)

The hard part is to separate the solid science from inflated and distorted claims. That is where the video fails. What are the long-term results of alternate-day fasting versus exercise, simple protein restriction, total caloric restriction, healthy life style, and so forth? What is the effect on survival versus a laboratory value (IGF-1)? Such studies can be done (see ncbi.nlm link, above). Unfortunately, Mosley ignores the scientific need for such studies and uses instead his public prominence to promote another fad.

As alluded to just above, another risk the public and many physicians succumb to is treating laboratory results as if there is a direct cause-and-effect correlation between the value and the health of the individual. Total cholesterol is one such result. There is no question that pathologic cholesterol levels are associated with significantly increased risk of cardiovascular death. The problem is that cholesterol levels may simply be the indicator for an underlying disorder in many patients. Hence, reducing cholesterol though diet and exercise may have minimal effect on life expectancy (see the original Framingham study). C-reactive protein is another popular marker. Here is a link to several others. Ischemia-modified albumin determined by cobalt binding ability is one of the newer ones. Does that mean restriction of cobalt intake should be practiced to improve health? That is the trap to which I refer, and unfortunately, it is all too often practiced by scam artists on the unsuspecting public. The part that bothers me the most is when well-meaning physicians also treat the numbers instead of the patient.


*Even in folk medicine, there is the adage to "starve a fever" ( ). Or, is it the other way around?
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