Atmel EEPROMs have the marking ATMLU020 on them. The number is the year and month when the chip was made (2010, week 20, in this case).. under that is the code (truncation code) that tells what chip it is. None of the EEPROMS have marking 2F8 on them.. not the ones I checked. And I actually went through all the EEPROM datasheets on Atmels website.
Maybe it is a serial DataFlash, but Atmel does not make those anymore.. **broken link removed** bought the chip out of Atmel. If it is DataFlash, then it might be broken allready, because many of them are low voltage devices and 5v will destroy them.
Yes you are right... I have found a similar case for a 24c256.... It probably IS an EEprom
Very confusing...