ID this strian gauge

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ID NASA's Strain Gauge

In this image, the black discs are supposed to be strain gauges or tension sensor discs, etc. Does anyone know where to get these or how the work (ie. localize stimuli on specific parts of the disc). Or is the disc mounted to that squarish thing in the middle, and that is the actual strain gauge? I cannot tell.

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The black discs are just that - black discs! three spoked wheels as far as I can see.

If there is any strain or tension sensing going on I can only assume that there are strain gauges on the spokes or on the hub.

To see what a strain gauge looks like, have a look here:

if that's part of a nasa project, I'm sure writing the engineers involved in it would yield you the answer ... unless they can somehow claim that robotic snake is somehow sensitive to national security.
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