ignition system

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New Member
hi, im new to the forums and to general electronics because im cursed with them anyway i need your guys help to make an ignition system for my homemade fireworks, fuse isnt reliable. my idea consists of using 2 9 volt batteries connecting them to a toggle switch led and buzzer and sum sort of key ignition and a ppush to make switch which sends the current/ volts or watever down a 100metre length of cable. the problem is that i cant get the power of the batteries to travel down the cable to the nichrome heating element that will ignite the fireworks. anyhelp is welcome

thanks in advance
First of all, everyday 9 volt batteries don't deliver much current. Toss in 100 meters of wire with a high resistance and you have more problems. You need to explain in detail what the nichrome igniter is and what it takes to get a good hot glow? You need to provide the gauge of the wire? Doing this isn't difficult but helping you without any information is pretty hard.

ah ok well it doesnt have to be a 9 volt just small and not heavy to carry, heres the details for the nicrome..
.32SWG Nichrome Resistance wire
Max operating temp: 1100 Degrees C
Gauge: 32SWG
Diameter (mm): 0.274
Resistance per Metre (Ohms): 18.99
Weight per Metre (Grammes): 0.4865
copied and pasted of who i bought it of
any more info you need just ask
Try 4 D batteries on 2 inches of nichrome and see how it glows. I used to use this on model rockets.
We used to strip stranded line cord, taking one strand and space turn wrapped about 4 turns around M80 fuse cord. Connected to regular line core to 12 v lead acid battery set them off.
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