I'm trying to make a new kind of Zoetrope... and measure earth's gravitational acceleration.

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New Member
Maybe you all can help!

I am a physics major and electronics is not my strength.

Here’s the situation: I have certain materials with which I need to accomplish a certain task (that being, to make my zoetrope)

I. The task

• Make a stepper motor rotate at certain rpms.
• Make 5 LED’s flash with the same frequency of the motor’s rpm “frequency,” or with a frequency which is a multiple of the rpm “frequency.”

(I'll be using the stepper motor to oscillate a series of water outlets back and forth, then the LED's will flash on every time the outlets return to a certain location, this will give the water "waves" the appearance of being frozen in place. Cool side note: I think I might be able to use this type of "zoetrope" to measure earth's gravitational acceleration...)

II. The materials

• Two small bread boards o One of them came with a nifty pallet connection with a USB power port, a button, LED and something else, I assume this can be used in various and sundry ways…
• Micro-controller
• Various capacitors, resistors, etc…
• 1600 MHz crystals
• 5pcs 3W UV Purple LED light bulb lamp 20mm star bean SMD SMT
• FTDI USB Controller 3 3V 5V Female Firmware Loader
• EasyDriver Shield stepping Stepper Motor Driver V44 A3967 for Arduino N 89
• 700mA flexblock constant current driver for the LEDs

What have I done so far?

I assembled a basic arduino circuit based on the instructions in the link below:


I am not sure how to continue at this point… I need some pointers. Got any ideas?

p.s. pardon my messy wires on the breadboard, I am going to clean those up before I am done. I just didn't want to cut and clean a bunch of wires yet (especially since they all came with such nice tips!)

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Start with a design spec that defines all input and output functions without implementation in mind.
It can be in point form with a matrix of logic functions with time response expected.

what can you do so far with the tools you have?
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