In-expensive 10 turn pots

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I have been trying to find precision 5-15 turn pots that are under $10. The attached is the preferred style. Must be a panel mount, preferably 1/8" shaft. The attached I got quoted about $65 ea. from a EFI rep. This one was a MW12B10L5K.

I can get a larger one, like a Bourns 3590 series for about $15, but they appear to only come in 1/4" shafts, and a much larger body. Trying to get all this into a small box.

I am not brand name dependant. Just wirewound, 5% or so in a 5K. Anyone have a source in my price range?



  • Bourns Pot 3700.JPG
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The retail price for those kinds of precision pots is pretty high as you have found. I think your best bet is to look for a reseller on E-bay. Here is one listing I found for 5K. Three for $12.50+ shipping. Howevewr they appear to have 1/4" shafts.

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hi Stu,
Replied to your PM

This picture shows the method I have used for mounting trim pots on panels.
I have shown the extension shaft and knob on this picture.
The shaft comes with the panel adaptors I bought, but the knob has to be bought separately.

I would suggest for your application that you connect say a 500R single turn panel mount pot in series with the bottom end of the 5K multi turn trim pot.
So the 5K trim would be on the pcb; cut the track that connects the bottom of the 5K to 0V. Wire across the cut track a 500R single turn chassis mounted pot.

SET the single turn 500R pot to its centre of rotation, adjust the 5K trim for the Vset.
The chassis pot will now give a small range of adjustment of Vset of about Vadj ~ [500/5000] Vset.

Do you follow OK.?


  • esp01 Dec. 05.gif
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Fulfilling the 5% tolerance requirement might be hard to do for a reasonable price because the tollerance of most pots is 30%.
These aren't badly priced but I don't know what £7.50 is in USD.
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$65 ay?

You can buy motorised pots for less than that!
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