In need of a circuit design.

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New Member
Hello. I'm working on a project, in which I have to power 4 objects; 1 laser and 3 motors. Thing is, I'm only learning. I don't have much idea about designing a circuit for this.

Objects needed to be powered:
laser; I had to salvage this from a laser pointer( kept the circuit ), but it was powered by 3 button cell batteries ( 1,5 V and 150 mA each )
2 bigger motors; 1,5 V and 250 mA
smaller motor; 1 V and 50 mA

As far as I'm aware of, I need 2 regulators, a 5 volt one and 1,5.. resistors? stuff?

I'll promise to name my first unborn baby after whoever gives me a working design. I've been at this project for far too long.
What are you powering them from? You want to have all the devices powered from a single battery or power supply? If so, what are the ratings of this battery or supply. Also, are you sure the motors are only 1.5V and 1V? That sounds really low, motors typically require higher voltages than this.
I want it to be powered by a power supply, but it doesn't really matter what the ratings are.. I have a lot of different ones available, and I'm not certain which one of them would be best for it.

All the motors are salvaged, the smaller one is a Nokia vibrator motor. The bigger ones are salvaged from RC cars, I checked and they actually have 1.2 written on them, but I have used them with 1.5 so far.
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