increase torrent download speed plz help

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I use torrents to download legit stuff, like Linux distros. One time I downloaded 700 MB of sheet music (oh, what bliss!).

Anyways, I've never had a speed problem. If the speed dies I just reset my router. (anyone have a good router that's NOT a Linksys? Ours likes to just stop working at least once a week).

I use BitComet, it has a random port button. Good luck; I know I didn't help at all, but I've never had a problem. Try finding a different torrent for the same file?
theinfamousbob said:
Anyways, I've never had a speed problem. If the speed dies I just reset my router. (anyone have a good router that's NOT a Linksys? Ours likes to just stop working at least once a week).

Oh! So it is not just me? Well, at least yours only dies once a week... mine croaks every couple of hours! That freaking router cost me $50 on ebay, and it is CRAP.

I think i solved my speed problem. I enabled encryption last night, and my speeds jumped a little. Now it is hovering around 15KB/s download, instead of the 7-9KB/s download...
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