info / explanation request - transistors' [h] parameters

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New Member
Welcome Everybody

I do apologise for such... not very clever question, but time's running out.

I need to perform hands-on AC analysis of simple, two-transistor ciruct
(amplifier), build with BC847 / 857 bipolar transistors. So i need [h'] matrix parameters of those tranistors, and i can't find them either in aviable catalouges or datasheets - only one i have is h FE (h21 for OE, DC..).

I know how to calculate those with using given frequency and transitors's
internal parameters (i.e. junction's capacitance) - but' i can't find them either.

I have SPICE models of those transistors - an managed to get some paramteres from them, but still not much.

Cany anyone help me ? Explicit values of [h] matrix elements would be most welcome

Regards, Peter

Here's my circut for reference :


  • project_599.jpg
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