Info on these RF Modules

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Hi guys,

Attched are the snaps of the RF modules I bought yesterday. These are the only ones available in my area.

But, they came with no documentation whatsoever. They dont have any model number either so I could google around .

So I thought I would post its snaps just in case any of you recognise it and be able to point me to info on how to use it etc.

Thanks in advance,


  • RF-Modules-Back.JPG
    82.4 KB · Views: 366
  • RF-Modules-Front.JPG
    87.7 KB · Views: 340
You're not giving us all of the information available to you.

I see several things which appear to be numbers on the PC boards. Also, the types of chips is often a very good clue. Can you get a better focus, or copy a complete list of numbers for us? Even the date codes on the chips can be useful.

Where did you buy them? We might also be able to learn something by knowing what kind of other stuff they sell (and who makes the other stuff).
Thanks for responding mneary . Here is some more info

On the back of the receiver ...
1) the big black chip is a LM358 (also has POCZ written on it).
2) On the PCB, on one side I see a big capital R, and below it is written, 11001100.
3) On the PCB, at the other end is written, MR100-BG.

On the transmitter,
1) ON back, the black chip has written on it RF and 6X.
2) On the front, above the crystal it says TO5A.

I tried getting a better shot again but in vain.

I bought these 433 Mhz RF modules from local shops here in delhi. The shopkeeper said they import it and only know that the range is 100m and the freq is 433Mhz.
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please post any RF transmitter and receiver circuit for controling multiple relays or controling motor in forward and reverse direction
To Know Info About Rf Module


I am also bought RF module & same problem created with me..

So , I would post its to you to point me to info on how to use it etc.
I know this is an old post, and brought up from the graveyard, but..

They look like every other cheap 433 transmitter/receiver pair. Pins are all labeled, so I don't see what the issue is. If you have something like this, check out the datasheets for anything similar, like those futurelec parts. I use cheap radiotronix modules. You can go to their site, RF Modules for Embedded Wireless Applications and check out the documents on the ASK transmitters/receivers.
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