innovative ideas :D

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New Member
hey guys can you guys suggest any innovative ideas for our thesis topic? any suggestion shall be greatly appreciated thank you!
You need to narrow down the field to topics which interest YOU, so that you're encouraged to put significant effort into the project and complete it.
hey guys can you guys suggest any innovative ideas for our thesis topic? any suggestion shall be greatly appreciated thank you!

What cracks me up about this kind of post is..... If I had a really good "innovative idea" , I wouldn't post it here I would make some money ( sorry if it sounds harsh )
I think it's likely that a lot of these type posts are China people fishing for new product ideas, every forum gets hit with these questions all the time.
I think it's likely that a lot of these type posts are China people fishing for new product ideas, every forum gets hit with these questions all the time.

The OP's nom-de-net certainly lends credence to Mr RB's reply...
For the record, I think it would be great if somebody developed the orgasmatron (see Woody Allen's "Sleeper")
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