Hi everyone.
I got a new cheap 9-v powered insulation meter (250-1000V), just to see how it works, and if it fits my needs. I never used one before. I did a couple of test, and I wanted to share them, and also ask if you think the results are to be expected.
The meter works fine when measuring high value resistors (1-10 Meg).
But then I tested the insulation of several differents wires and crocodile probes (which are rated 30 Vdc) by probing the insulation and the inner conductor, and even when setting the meter to 1000 V test voltage, I get perfect insulation reading ( resistance > 2 Gohm). I did the same with some connectors (rated for low voltage too, < 60 Vdc), and I always get overload/overflow reading (so, higher than 2 Gohm).
Is this ok? Maybe I'm doing something wrong?
I thought about using the meter to test if some unknown wire, switch or connectors could be used in moderate/high voltage circuits (150-350 Vdc).