Another thought as it's a security system:
Most newer ones use terminating resistors at the sensors, so a wiring fault or tampering can be detected; quite a few PIRs etc. include a 1K terminator resistor selectable by a jumper.
That is very easy to implement with an MCU, just use a resistive divider and analog inputs.
eg. For your 12V system, a fixed divider with three resistors from 12V to 0V; two 470 Ohms and a 220 Ohm, in that sequence.
The top of the 220R goes to the MCU ADC pin and the external alarm sensor connects between the junction of the two 470R resistors and 0V.
With a good circuit and 1K loop termination to 0V, you should get roughly 1.8V
If the loop is broken, that will go up to ~2.28, while if the loop is shorted it will be near 0V.
(And if the input is shorted to 12V, it does not do any harm; around 4V at the ADC input).