Interfacing Digital to analog...plz help..

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New Member
Hi there...
I am a sort of beginner with the projects....but i am facing problem with using transistor as switch.i mean i am doing an electronics code lock...
it gives 0 on the o/p when the code is i need to know how do i use a transistor as switch to drive a relay...or can i use a not gate at the o/p and then how to use then transistor as switch???

plz help...
Thanx in advance.
Driving means??
sry didnt get what exactly are u trying to say...
but i mean...i would give the o/p of digital ckt to the base of that it would act as a switch..and i would use transistor in CE do i use it???am not gettin the proper ckt to join base of transistor and then get its o/p....
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