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Inventor needs help

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And there's no way to reprogram it?
There is, but, I suspect that you will need a device to "talk" to it. You maybe able to do it with a PC but that will mean connecting each module to a PC and individually programming them.

Then connect your Uno up to the HC05 and google "Arduino HC05" and you'll get lots of pages describing how to change the module etc.

I have used the HC05 on a project a few years ago (might have been HC06) and the first thing I send it is a rename command, "AT+NAMEMikes Dimmer". Can't remember how the pairing went but had to write an Android app to get it communicating. You may be right in that the app may be able to just pair on seeing it, if so, your idea will work. Just keep trying. Good luck.

Thank you Mike. I am trying to do this without an app. The reason I am here asking you guys for help is because I am a mechanic. I can get 800bhp out of a SB350 but I have no idea how to program something.
Unfortunately, I don't know the answer to your problem. It sounds like you just need to try it. I do know how to program but have no idea what a SB350 is. We all have our knowledge and it's almost always different but just as valid.

Thank you again Mike. We all have our own skills. And that's why I came to the people who can help me with something I know nothing about. You guys definitely helped me get my project to function. It is doing some of what I want it to do. It makes it impossible to drive my truck without my phone. Now I need to figure out how to take the next step. I'm thinking I need to find the programmer who is more familiar with these devices.
The HC06 module will need to be interfaced to some kind of microcontroller or pc to initiate pairing with a phone. I don't think there is any way around this. I suggest you figure out how to use your Uno to do this.

Then test and see if the module will automatically pair again with the phone without any intervention on either the HC06 or phone. I doubt this will work but it might. If it does, your concept might have a chance. If not, face the reality that the HC06 is the wrong choice.

As far as reprogramming the HC06 to bend it to your will – highly unlikely. It's a module designed to do one thing, and do it as cheaply as possible. It's likely its code is burned into PROM and can't be changed. Even if it was possible to change its code, the required connections to do so aren't on the board and the tools (both hardware and software) aren't available to do so. As an example, search the EEVBlog on YouTube to see the effort they went through to develop a programmer and code to use a 6 cent Chinese microcontroller. Hundreds of hours by knowledgeable people to accomplish this task, including designing a custom programmer because the chip manufacturer want $$$ to sell them one.

I think your concept could work, just not with the HC06 unless the test I suggested above works. So what other hardware could you use? ESP32 modules support Bluetooth and can be programmed using the Arduino IDE. Sure, the hardware costs a little more than an HC06 module, but these boards are designed to be reprogrammable, the tools to do so are readily available, free and there's lots of knowledgeable people to help with coding these modules.
ROFL. I was just googling it. What I've seen thus far is that they don't appear to be as easy to hook up to. But I'm sure I work around that if they will do what I need them to do.
It appears your best option is to find a bluetooth device that supports the "HID" profile.

That's the only one I can think of that will allow a "paired" connection without taking over something that you do not want to (eg. as an audio device would - switching off audio on the phone and rerouting it).

The readily available Bluetooth media control gadgets on ebay are HID devices, but so far the only separate module I have found is an RN42.

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