[Inverter] Design of passive filter

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I'm currently at the final stage of simple inverter design (a coursework) which consists of PWM, 6 mosfets and 3-phase purely resistive load.

As far as I understood everything to this point I can't really fully understand the harmonics and filtering therefore I will give you my opinion and you could hopefully give me feedback:

- Use a Low pass filter [RLC or RC] (Switching frequency is 21(sampling frequency)*50(fundamental frequency) = 1050Hz) to filter the harmonic content in output waveform.

And a questions:
*Would you be able to provide a really good background reading on basic filter calculations and Harmonics ?
hi Tom,
This SMPS Ref manual is a good source of info.


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Thanks for replays however the issue has not been solved.

The problem with the design is that I've been given an output characteristics only which is 2A/100Vrms/50Hz output. With those values I can't design a RC filter with the knowledge I currently have, the fact that harmonics and filtering have been poorly explained and are my weakest subject in all electrical fields, makes every chapter I read even more confusing.

Would be able to provide with an example of how to solve such design characteristics ?
Should I simulate my design first ?

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