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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

IR 12f675

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Well-Known Member
I changed this code from Nigel Goodwin it was for a 16f628 to 12f675
But I can't find out why I can toggle the leds from 1 to 4
but not turn them all off . I think it has to do with my 4 outputs not in a roll
you cant use gpio3 as output so i used gpio4 as the last output thanks for the help


  • 12f675ir.asm
    8.8 KB · Views: 331
That code looks correct and so I suspect you are overloading the pins. Do you have the correct current limiting resistors?

Alternatively, the code could be rewritten with a shadow register.

As it's fairly simple, here's the code with a shadow register for you to try.

;4 button IR Changed for 12f675 remake from   

;Nigel Goodwin 2002 

		list	p=12F675	;tell assembler what chip we are using
		include	""	;include the defaults for the chip
		errorlevel 0,-302	;suppress bank selection messages
		__config _CPD_OFF&_CP_OFF & _BODEN_OFF & _MCLRE_OFF &_PWRTE_ON & _WDT_OFF & _INTRC_OSC_NOCLKOUT    ;sets the configuration settings (oscillator type etc.)

		cblock	h'20'		;start of general purpose registers
		count			;used in looping routines
		count1			;used in delay routine
		counta			;used in delay routine
		countb			;used in delay routine
		tmp1			;temporary storage

IR_In		equ	0x03		;input assignment for IR data
LED0		equ	0x00
LED1		equ	0x01
LED2		equ	0x02
LED3		equ	0x04 

EEPROM_Addr	equ	0x00		;address of EEPROM byte used

ErrFlag		equ	0x00
StartFlag	equ	0x01		;flags used for received bit
One		equ	0x02
Zero		equ	0x03

New		equ	0x07		;flag used to show key released

TV_ID		equ	0x01		;TV device ID

But1		equ	0x00		;numeric button ID's
But2		equ	0x01
But3		equ	0x02
But4		equ	0x03

		org	0x0000
		goto	Start

		org	0x0004

Start		movlw	0x07
		movwf	CMCON		;turn comparators off 
		clrf	ANSEL
		clrf	VRCON
		call	0x3FF
		movwf	OSCCAL
		movlw	0xFF
		movwf	TRISIO
		clrf	count
		clrf	GPIO
		clrf	Flags
		clrf	Dev_Byte
		clrf	Cmd_Byte
		clrf	shadow

SetPorts	bsf	STATUS,RP0	;select bank 1
		movlw	b'00101000'	;make all LED pins outputs

		movwf	LED_TRIS
		movlw	b'00101000'	;make all IR port pins inputs

					;	movwf	LED_TRIS 
					;	bcf 	STATUS,		RP0	;select bank 0 

		call	EE_Read		;restore previous settings

		call	ReadIR		;read IR signal
		call	ProcKeys	;do something with commands received

		goto	Main		;loop for ever

		btfss	Flags2,	New
		retlw	0x00		;return if not new keypress
		movlw	TV_ID		;check for TV ID code
		subwf	Dev_Byte,	w
		btfss	STATUS    , Z
		retlw	0x00		;return if not correct code

		movlw	But1		;test for button 1
		subwf	Cmd_Byte, w
		btfss	STATUS    , Z
		goto	Key1		;try next key if not correct code

		movfw	shadow
		xorlw	1<<LED0
		movwf	shadow
		movwf	LED_PORT

		call	EE_Write	;save the settings
		retlw	0x00

Key1		movlw	But2		;test for button 1
		subwf	Cmd_Byte, w
		btfss	STATUS    , Z
		goto	Key2		;try next key if not correct code

		movfw	shadow
		xorlw	1<<LED1
		movwf	shadow
		movwf	LED_PORT

		call	EE_Write	;save the settings
		retlw	0x00

Key2		movlw	But3		;test for button 1
		subwf	Cmd_Byte, w
		btfss	STATUS    , Z
		goto	Key3		;try next key if not correct code

		movfw	shadow
		xorlw	1<<LED2
		movwf	shadow
		movwf	LED_PORT

		call	EE_Write	;save the settings
		retlw	0x00

Key3		movlw	But4		;test for button 1
		subwf	Cmd_Byte, w
		btfss	STATUS    , Z
		retlw	0x00		;try next key if not correct code

		movfw	shadow
		xorlw	1<<LED3
		movwf	shadow
		movwf	LED_PORT

		call	EE_Write	;save the settings
		retlw	0x00

EE_Read		bsf	STATUS,RP0	; Bank 1
		movlw	EEPROM_Addr
		movwf	EEADR		; Address to read
		bsf	EECON1,RD	; EE Read
		movf	EEDATA,W	; W = EEDATA
		bcf	STATUS,RP0	; Bank 0
		movwf	shadow
		movwf	LED_PORT	; restore previous value
		retlw	0x00

EE_Write	movf	shadow,w	; read current value
		bsf	STATUS,RP0	; Bank 1
		bsf	EECON1,WREN	; Enable write
		bcf	INTCON,GIE	;Disable INTs
		movwf	EEDATA		; set EEPROM data
		movlw	EEPROM_Addr
		movwf	EEADR		; set EEPROM address
		movlw	0x55
		movwf	EECON2		; Write 55h
		movlw	0xAA
		movwf	EECON2		; Write AAh
		bsf	EECON1,WR	; Set WR bit
		bsf	INTCON,GIE	;Enable INTS
					; begin write 
		bcf	STATUS,RP0	; Bank 0

		btfss	PIR1,EEIF	; wait for write to complete.
		goto	$-1
		bcf	PIR1,EEIF	; and clear the 'write complete' flag
		bsf	STATUS,RP0	; Bank 1
		bcf	EECON1,WREN	; Disable write
		bcf	STATUS,RP0	; Bank 0
		retlw	0x00

;IR routines

ReadIR		call	Read_Pulse
		btfss	Flags,	StartFlag
		goto	ReadIR		;wait for start pulse (2.4mS)

Get_Data	movlw	0x07		;set up to read 7 bits
		movwf	Bit_Cntr
		clrf	Cmd_Byte
Next_RcvBit2	call	Read_Pulse
		btfsc	Flags,StartFlag  ;abort if another Start bit
		goto	ReadIR
		btfsc	Flags,ErrFlag	;abort if error
		goto	ReadIR

		bcf	STATUS    , C
		btfss	Flags, 	Zero
		bsf	STATUS    , C
		rrf	Cmd_Byte  , f
		decfsz	Bit_Cntr  , f
		goto	Next_RcvBit2

		rrf	Cmd_Byte,f	;correct bit alignment for 7 bits

Get_Cmd		movlw	0x05		;set up to read 5 bits
		movwf	Bit_Cntr
		clrf	Dev_Byte
Next_RcvBit	call	Read_Pulse
		btfsc	Flags,StartFlag  ;abort if another Start bit
		goto	ReadIR
		btfsc	Flags,ErrFlag	;abort if error
		goto	ReadIR

		bcf	STATUS    , C
		btfss	Flags, 	Zero
		bsf	STATUS    , C
		rrf	Dev_Byte  , f
		decfsz	Bit_Cntr  , f
		goto	Next_RcvBit

		rrf	Dev_Byte,f	;correct bit alignment for 5 bits
		rrf	Dev_Byte  , f
		rrf	Dev_Byte  , f

		retlw	0x00

;end of ReadIR

;read pulse width, return flag for StartFlag, One, Zero, or ErrFlag  
;output from IR receiver is normally high, and goes low when signal received  

Read_Pulse	clrf	LoX
		btfss	LED_PORT,IR_In	;wait until high
		goto	$-1
		clrf	tmp1
		movlw	0xC0		;delay to decide new keypress
		movwf	tmp2		;for keys that need to toggle

Still_High	btfss	LED_PORT,IR_In	;and wait until goes low
		goto	Next
		incfsz	tmp1,f
		goto	Still_High
		incfsz	tmp2,f
		goto	Still_High
		bsf	Flags2,New	;set New flag if no button pressed
		goto	Still_High

Next		nop
		nop			;waste time to scale pulse
		nop			;width to 8 bits
		incf	LoX,	f
		btfss	LED_PORT, 	IR_In
		goto	Next		;loop until input high again

; test if Zero, One, or Start (or error)  

Chk_Pulse	clrf	Flags

TryError	movf	LoX,w		; check if pulse too small
		addlw	d'255'-d'20'	; if LoX <= 20
		btfsc	STATUS    , C
		goto	TryZero
		bsf	Flags,ErrFlag	; Error found, set flag
		retlw	0x00

TryZero		movf	LoX,w		; check if zero
		addlw	d'255'-d'60'	; if LoX <= 60
		btfsc	STATUS    , C
		goto	TryOne
		bsf	Flags,Zero	; Zero found, set flag
		retlw	0x00

TryOne		movf	LoX,w		; check if one
		addlw	d'255'-d'112'	; if LoX <= 112
		btfsc	STATUS    , C
		goto	TryStart
		bsf	Flags,One	; One found, set flag
		retlw	0x00

TryStart	movf	LoX,w		; check if start
		addlw	d'255'-d'180'	; if LoX <= 180
		btfsc	STATUS    , C
		goto	NoMatch
		bsf	Flags,StartFlag  ; Start pulse found
		retlw	0x00
NoMatch					; pulse too long 
		bsf	Flags,ErrFlag	; Error found, set flag
		retlw	0x00

;end of pulse measuring routines  

;Delay routines

Delay255	movlw	0xff		;delay 255 mS
		goto	d0
Delay100	movlw	d'100'		;delay 100mS
		goto	d0
Delay50		movlw	d'50'		;delay 50mS
		goto	d0
Delay20		movlw	d'20'		;delay 20mS
		goto	d0
Delay5		movlw	0x05		;delay 5.000 ms (4 MHz clock)
d0		movwf	count1
d1		movlw	0xC7
		movwf	counta
		movlw	0x01
		movwf	countb
Delay_0		decfsz	counta, f
		goto	$+2
		decfsz	countb, f
		goto	Delay_0

		decfsz	count1	,f
		goto	d1
		retlw	0x00

;end of Delay routines 

		org	0x2100
		data	00;		initial value of shadow


Last edited:
I have used two led boards 1 with 1kohm and 1 with 330ohm to test my outputs
thay lite and toggle but I can't turn them all off 1 will stay on and the led board
works with the 16f628 the 330 just lets 15ma thew the led going to try your code.
Man thank you so very much I have tried fo 2 weeks to get this work. Now all i need to do is add Debounce to it and I'll be good to go I tried something like that but it didn't work I tried to make the port low with clrf gpio b'00000001 so on for each key Now i no thanks a bunch didn't think about shadow register I'm leaning this is all new to me been using a basicstamp
As you had the correct resistors and my changed code worked, it made me wonder if you had the pins set as analogue still. Looking at your code I notice that you don't switch to bank 1 before doing clrf ANSEL. That was your problem all along.

Anyway, sounds like your learning fast and having fun.

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Lol just change this part and all works good your so right
Start	 movlw	0x07
	 movwf	CMCON ;turn comparators off 
	 bsf     STATUS, RP0 ;just needed this to make it work 
	 clrf	ANSEL
now i have 2 good codes and no how to fix some more that i did wrong
Last edited:
One last little tip, when you post code on the forum put
 before it and
after it so that it keeps it's format.

Could ant 1 tell me what im doing wrong here I added 1 more button to turn on two pins can't get it to work like that
 Key4		movlw	But5			;test for button 1
			subwf   Cmd_Byte, w
			btfss   STATUS    , Z
			retlw	0x00			;try next key if not correct code

			movf	LED_PORT,	w	;read GPIO (for LED status)
			movwf	tmp3			;and store in temp register
			btfss	tmp3,	LED3		;and test LED bit for toggling
			bsf		LED_PORT, LED3		;turn on LED
			btfss	tmp3,	LED2
			bsf		LED_PORT, LED2		;turn on LED
			btfsc	tmp3,	LED3
			bcf		LED_PORT,	LED3	;turn off LED
			btfsc	tmp3,	LED2
			bcf		LED_PORT,	LED2
			bcf		Flags2,	New		;and cancel new flag
			call	EE_Write		;save the settings		
			retlw	0x00
Last edited:
Yes but it doesn't do what i would think it should What i'm trying to do is
1 turn on gpio 2and 4 for motor fwd by pressing key5
 Key3		movlw	But4			;test for button 1
			subwf   Cmd_Byte, w
			btfss   STATUS    , Z
			retlw	Key4			;try next key if not correct code

			movf	LED_PORT,	w	;read GPIO (for LED status)
			movwf	tmp3			;and store in temp register
			btfss	tmp3,	LED3		;and test LED bit for toggling
			bsf		LED_PORT, LED3		;turn on LED
			btfsc	tmp3,	LED3
			bcf		LED_PORT,	LED3	;turn off LED
			bcf		Flags2,	New		;and cancel new flag
			call	EE_Write		;save the settings		
			retlw	0x00

Key4		movlw	But5			;test for button 1
			subwf   Cmd_Byte, w
			btfss   STATUS    , Z
			retlw	0x00			;try next key if not correct code

			movf	LED_PORT,	w	;read GPIO (for LED status)
			movwf	tmp3			;and store in temp register
			btfss	tmp3,	LED3		;and test LED bit for toggling
			bsf		LED_PORT, LED3		;turn on LED
			btfss	tmp3,	LED2
			bsf		LED_PORT, LED2		;turn on LED
			btfsc	tmp3,	LED3
			bcf		LED_PORT,	LED3	;turn off LED
			btfsc	tmp3,	LED2
			bcf		LED_PORT,	LED2
			bcf		Flags2,	New		;and cancel new flag
			call	EE_Write		;save the settings		
			retlw	0x00
I see your problem,

 Key3		movlw	But4			;test for button 1
			subwf   Cmd_Byte, w
			btfss   STATUS    , Z
			[COLOR="Red"]goto[/COLOR]	Key4			;try next key if not correct code

			movf	LED_PORT,	w	;read GPIO (for LED status)
			movwf	tmp3			;and store in temp register
			btfss	tmp3,	LED3		;and test LED bit for toggling
			bsf		LED_PORT, LED3		;turn on LED
			btfsc	tmp3,	LED3
			bcf		LED_PORT,	LED3	;turn off LED
			bcf		Flags2,	New		;and cancel new flag
			call	EE_Write		;save the settings		
			retlw	0x00

Key4		movlw	But5			;test for button 1
			subwf   Cmd_Byte, w
			btfss   STATUS    , Z
			retlw	0x00			;try next key if not correct code

			movf	LED_PORT,	w	;read GPIO (for LED status)
			movwf	tmp3			;and store in temp register
			btfss	tmp3,	LED3		;and test LED bit for toggling
			bsf		LED_PORT, LED3		;turn on LED
			btfss	tmp3,	LED2
			bsf		LED_PORT, LED2		;turn on LED
			btfsc	tmp3,	LED3
			bcf		LED_PORT,	LED3	;turn off LED
			btfsc	tmp3,	LED2
			bcf		LED_PORT,	LED2
			bcf		Flags2,	New		;and cancel new flag
			call	EE_Write		;save the settings		
			retlw	0x00


Lol that was it I tried this like 10 ways and had goto right then i get the code right i for got to change retlw to goto thanks for showing me what i did wrong it never made it to key 4 I tried this with mplab sim but I couldn't get it to show what the keys where doing.
thanks for the help Mike
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