is it possible to fix my laptops LCD panel?

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New Member
early on it simply had a red vertical line of pixels about 2/3 of the way from the left side. Then another (blue?) line appeared. Eventually it started wigging out altogether. I could fix it by grasping the top of the bezel and depressing the front. This worked for a while. Eventually that stopped working. Then I opened it up and discovered that if I pulled down on the circuit board (it's at the top of the panel, in back obviously, Toshiba Satellite L25-S1192), this would fix it also. So I started applying tape judiciously to pull down on the board. Eventually that stopped working (the screen is mostly white, areas of faint blue or other colors). I started 'scoping' a little deeper and see that the harness that goes into the panel proper has extremely thin traces. W/the naked eye it appears as if there's a solid coper plane descending into the panel. I used this microfiche lense to get a magnified view. Crazy meticulous stuff.
Anyway, is my problem fixable? If there's a chance of fixing it, I'd like to know (don't want to blow 100$ on a new panel right now, nor buy a new laptop right now, and even my Asus eee 900a is giving me problems!). Please help
I guess what I'd like is information on troubleshooting lcd's in general. I do have a scope (no probe) that samples at 60mhz.


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if u dont know what you are doing you should get someone to repair it for you-the fault you have is a common fault but it involves stripping down the laptop to the motherboard before you even start if you can strip it down get yrself a soldering iron and desolder braid,desolder the connector that connects the ribbon to the tft and motherboard and resolder it..........
judging by the trace pitch of that cable, you'd need a hot air reflow machine to do it right. just take it and get the panel replaced. the new panel comes with all new cables.
I really have to wonder why people bother w/replies like this.

first - "if you don't know what you're doing, get someone to repair it for you"

of course I don't know what I'm doing! That's why I posted on this forum - get it? I always have the option of finding someone to repair it, that's eminently a given always, is it not? The idea of interacting w/others is so (hopefully) you can learn something.

second - the other guy just tells me to replace it (having already said I don't want to, for reasons other then economy even. The unit is well over 3 years old. Doesn't make all that sense to put ~100$ into a unit that I payed 500$ for, when that same 100$ will pay for nearly 1/3 of a new unit (that's probably twice as fast, at least).

Why do people bother? Is it not obvious THOSE options were available to me before I even found this forum??? Think USEFUL replies. Not silliness. The whole forum is about DOING IT YOURSELF. Why would I need someone to tell me to go get someone to fix it???
the reason i said that was if you have no experience working with this sort of equipment -dont kno the dos and donts about working with pcbs or how to solder desolder components on a double sided plated through pcb which yr laptop has then get someone with more experience to do the job for you....and the other reply was given for the same reason- you need specialist soldering equipment to reflow the soldering on that connector-you will scrap the machine if you try doing it yrself!!!soldering wise if you dont know what you are doing it is best to obtain a replacement unit -plug it in-and repaired laptop-we arent trying to be rude or put you off but you will get into a mess if you make a mistake ......
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*wondering how poster missed the part where screen is already non-functional*

How can I further damage or scrap a machine that already is inoperative? The screen is easily removed from the unit, which is what I've done already.

I had hoped someone, somewhere would have some clue about how these things work, but apparently not too many people get that deep these days. I was interested in learning about lcd's in general, which is what I stated. It's just frustrating when you're alerted to a response to your thread to be met w/"just buy another one". OI!
Hey, take a deep breath. These are useful answers, even if you don't happen to like them. And getting on people's backs is not really likely to encourage others to try to help. If you don't like an answer, it costs you exactly *nothing* to ignore it.

The simple facts are that these panels are not made to be repaired, even if you do know what you're doing and happen to have the right equipment. The expectation is that that when the panel dies, it is replaced as a unit. Manufacturers typically do not even publish the information you'd need to get inside the panel and work things out, and even if you only value your time at minimum wage, you'll still lose out by trying it yourself vs. just replacing it.

And yes, you *can* do more damage to a non-operating device, if you expect that you can fix it. How? You can fix the existing problem but if you screw something else up in the process then the "fix" was pointless.

Your realistic options are a) get it repaired; b) buy the replacement parts, or c) scrap the idea. Like it or not, them's the facts. You don't have the equipment or experience needed to fix it. . .and honestly, if you sent it in for repair, they wouldn't bother trying either. They'd swap out the bad panel for a good one. Much, much cheaper than trying to repair the duff panel.

In fact, these days you can buy a Toshiba Satellite L25-S1192 for less than the cost of the replacement panel. In insurance terms, it's a write-off.

Actually there is another option, which is probably what I'd go for: use it without the display. If you have a home router or something, hook it up to that and use it as a headless file, print, or web server (it could probably handle all three tasks, actually). Might squeeze a few more years of useful life out of it that way.

Sorry that this isn't the answer you want to hear, but that's probably because nobody capable of doing it would consider it worth the time or effort. Wanting to hear a certain answer to a question doesn't mean that you will, and getting your knickers in a knot about it isn't going to change a thing.



CHRIS ya wanna know what I assed little piece of butt-droppings like yourself!!! that have a total of 3 postings under your belt... then freak out simply because they dont get exactly the answer that they want right out of the gate!
Both answers that you received are both useful, and informative in 2 totally different ways...and WELL WRITTEN, . Maybe if you bothered posting the model number laptop that you need replacement for, someone could help you out with finding an inexpensive replacement.
NOT EVERYTHING IS FIXABLE...especially with zero background knowledge, which you admit you have.
Good luck getting anyone else on here to help you out in any way after that little tyrade!
I think that you owe Sheldon and Uncle a humble apology.
You want to discuss useless things???...why own a scope without a probe...dumbass!
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And since you want to get down to"Brass Tacks" without any fluff... here is your original question:
"is it possible to fix my laptops LCD panel?"

Hers your answer:
NO nonsense...and certainly no additional information that a newbie like yourself should find useful.

Now make yourself useful, and go play in traffic.
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Well, after seeing some member's answers, I feel afraid I get attacked like CHRIS2009. I doubt he intended to be rude but wasn't as diplomatic as one could get, but I don't think other member's reactions were the right one's either.
When one doen't know much about a particular subject, one doesn't really understand how hard something can be. Trying to repair a broken motherboard (for example) or a broken memory dimm, without the adequate equipment, is totally insane. It's like doing a heart transplant with a pair of scissors!!
I'm no expert myself, but I do agree with the replies: repairing is very difficult, replacement is probably the easiest. Using the computer as a server or something is the most practical option. Doesn't the laptop have a VGA output?? Use an old VGA screen to use it as an internet machine. Make yourself a CAR PC out of it (purchasing a small USB VGA touch screen), or make yourself a Mediacenter PC for your lounge TV. I can think of many things I might use it for.
Well, after seeing some member's answers, I feel afraid I get attacked like CHRIS2009. I doubt he intended to be rude but wasn't as diplomatic as one could get, but I don't think other member's reactions were the right one's either.

Don't worry too much about bigkim100; he's actively trying to get a lower reputation count. The problem is that he's actually not an idiot, he just likes to play one on the Internet.

Agreed. And if I came off rude before I apologize, but Chris2009 really does need to realize that all replies are intended to be helpful and that by reacting the way he did, he's just biting the hand that he hopes will feed him. It's ungracious and arrogant to behave that way.


I do agree that nothing is impossible

After all Chris2009 wants to gain experience. By the way it is his own item
and finally local servicing community would serve him at enhanced charges , claiming it as tampered item.

I feel, confidence is one, and facility at home with proper test and other equipment and support is another.

Things can be better handled by a judicious combination of the above , but not by ambition, or self (over) confidence alone.

Hope Chris2009 get it in the right perspective.
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And why am I trying to get a lower reputation count??? prove a point- the system as it stands here is capricious, and not at all useful (and whenever I state this, I get quite a bit of direct email supporting my theory), but not this case...not this time.
I truly feel that the original OP was arrogant, ungrateful, and not too bright...and really should be knocked down a peg...and you SEEM to agree with me on this
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And why am I trying to get a lower reputation count??? prove a point- the system as it stands here is capricious, and not at all useful, but not this case...not this time.

True. The problem is that when you publicize the fact that you're trying to do that, it calls into question the honesty of any "angry" post you make, which more or less totally defeats your purpose.

I truly feel that the original OP was arrogant, ungrateful, and not too bright...and really should be knocked down a peg...and you SEEM to agree with me on this

I agree with your assessment to some degree--I have no reason to think the OP is not bright. I don't agree with your means. You can get a point across without being an ass about it. When you yell and scream and call names, the person you're trying to get the point across to will tend to just shut you out and ignore anything you might say that is actually important.

Don't worry too much about bigkim100; he's actively trying to get a lower reputation count. The problem is that he's actually not an idiot, he just likes to play one on the Internet.

Believe it or not Tor, I dont really llike being called an idiot...keep your Juvenile comments to yourself

[/QUOTE]Agreed. And if I came off rude before I apologize, but Chris2009 really does need to realize that all replies are intended to be helpful and that by reacting the way he did, he's just biting the hand that he hopes will feed him. It's ungracious and arrogant to behave that way.


So basuically, in a wimpy, mamby pamby way you actually agree with me then I guess that makes you a idiot as well
Believe it or not Tor, I dont really llike being called an idiot...keep your Juvenile comments to yourself

Your reading comprehension really needs work. I explicitly said that you're not an idiot. You're starting to make me doubt it, though.

Read my other reply. And take your own medicine about calling names. It's easy for you to act tough on the Internet and is not impressive. It would be silly in the extreme for you to call any other current board member "Juvenile".


I really dont give a rats ass if someone with three posts under his belt (or ANYONE else for that matter) shuts me out and ignores me. And as far as how I get my point accross, again, I dont care if you approve of it or not.

As far as my attempt to change the system here to a better one, again, all I can say is that whenever I talk about it, I get considerable personal email with support on the matter.
You dont need to worry about my honesty...I honestly believe that the system, as it stands requires dishonest is that???
I really dont give a rats ass if someone with three posts under his belt (or ANYONE else for that matter) shuts me out and ignores me. And as far as how I get my point accross, again, I dont care if you approve of it or not.

You're lying. If you didn't care you wouldn't bother to post.

As far as my attempt to change the system here to a better one, again, all I can say is that whenever I talk about it, I get considerable personal email with support on the matter.

*golf clap* Good for you!

You dont need to worry about my honesty...I honestly believe that the system, as it stands requires dishonest is that???

Nobody said you didn't--you obviously do and it's obviously honest. You also obviously have a hard time focussing on what we're actually talking about.

Dont be so silly Torbram, If anyone other than me had commented about the way that this member had treated 2 people that had honestly tried to help him, you would be the first person to get up on your high horse and cheer him on.
Again...what I said was honest...and correct, as your comment was about me trying to get a lower reputation count
If you dont like my responses, report me to the moderator, and let him/her/it decide up\on my fate.
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