is there anything similar to a tl084 op amp i can use?

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New Member
hello, first post
the reason i have come is that i want to make the charge controller mentioned here; - Wind/Solar controller

my problem is that the electronics stores where i live dont carry the tl084 or the lm78L08
needed in the board...

are there similar parts i could use?
The TL084 quad-opamp is an EXTREMELY standard and common chip, and has been for decades.

The 8V regulator is a bit more obscure though.
LM324 may be the most common op amp. If you can find an 8 volt zener you could replace the regulator with that since you only need about 10 ma. Otherwise tou could probably find an LM317 and add the 2 resistors to make it an 8 volt regulator.
thanks for your help guys, ill try the 8 volt zener and see how it goes

If you can get a 7805 Vreg its easy, using two resistors to change it to +8Vout

Look at this image. The R1 and R2 are the two extra components [ the other components are part of the test circuit].

The regulation at 8V is not as good as it would be for 5V, but will be ok for the circuit it is powering as shown in your posted link.


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The circuit will work fine with a supply that is anywhere from 5V to 9V. Use a 78L05, 7805, 7808, 78L09 or 7809 regulator for it.
Wouldn't it need some work on the dividers and the drive for the output stage at 5 volts?
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