Hello dknguyen,
Pull down all 1,2,3,4,5,6 means they all will turn ON. The IC which I used is ULN2003 which is negative buffer IC.
Suppose I wanted to turn Mosfet 1 i.e Q1 ON. Then I should have send logic 0 i.e 0V from controller.
This is why I said, Shall I put pin 1,3,5 as pulled high. So that initially the MOSFETs will be in off state.
Please suggest on this first point.
Now second point is, If power is turned ON, then powering up of MCU and power goes to MOSFETS is different.
My point is, if power on of MCU and the power to the MOSFET is same instance or different.
If that is at the same instance, then I will give logic signals from controller during power ON. Then there is no need to pull up the things.
My mistake. I mistook U2 for a non-inverting open collector buffer, but it appears to be an inverting open collector buffer. In that case, try the pull-ups resistors on U2 inputs. It *might* fix the problem, but it might not. It depends on whether U2 powers up fast enough to beat the MOSFET gate capacitances charging up.