Junebug help??

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I have it right I posted that with out that part and edited the post and added it I just didn't get the dip4 =1 part You had all them (dim dip AS porta.xx ) and wasn't using them.
so I did.
No sound??

Am sure its just a port not addressed correctly on my perf board.
I am going to copy n paste both codes and compare and see where ot what is missing.
can't be to difficult.
thinking its the transistor controlling the LM386 but not sure,
may have discovered something-Junebug settings

the Junebug dip switch settings
are they supposed to be ALL OFF for in-circuit programming??
I programed a PIC using two different codes and they both sound the same.??
I had them that way

need to recheck my ribbon cable connections etc.
I breadboarded circuit exactly as you posted but nothing??
hopfully its my ribbon cable. not real happy with it
Is it possible to LOCK a PIC?

I have tried several different codes and they don't change the sound frequency.
Is it possible to accidentally LOCK a chip so it can't be rewritten?/
if so how to unlock??
Qusetion using swordfish== what does the black chalk board say and/or how to read it as it just flashes on the screen??
plan is to use a new chip and program with a different code. All my cables are good so I eliminated that variable.
This is funny as H if you no what I mean. I tried it with the amp no sound it works real
good with a high dollar 2n2222 I'm talking about the one from radio shack that you get
just one for 2 dollars and it does play 4 sets of sound and My kids can hear it with the Tv on and the sound as high as gos on there TV if you had them you on what i mean they turn on a tv and you can hear it it the whole house. They told me to turn it off.LOL
The amp set for 200 gain wasn't louder. It just pops the speaker one or two times and stops. And yes you can set your chip so that it can't be programed.
I put me a DC blocking capacitor now it makes sound with the amp and it set for a 200 gain. the 2n2222 is louder lol I new it would be. I though the poping was the DC. I just tried it with out to see if that's why It wasn't working for you.
I found I need to erase

I kept getting the same results-not my desired result
I loaded one of the first codes without any dip switch routine. still same results
I went into pickit2 and erased the PIC
now I then went back to the junebug (kept getting a voltage error, short on Vcc etc in pickit2
went back to swordfish and now I get results!!
haven't got the dip routine in it but it works ok.
I tried using the LM386 as well as just a 2n2222. not a whole lot of difference but using two different speakers.
I thought I poped a PIC when the short error came up??
yes this is in circuit. Have 2 different circuit noards
1 = just an 18pin socket and the other is a complete circuit.
got same on both as far as errors.
but able to erase the chips first then started getting the error.
I tried erasing using swordfish/Junebug but the red busy led stays on.
seems like it never is going to go off??
gong to assemble one CRITTER RIDDER tomorrow as is.
found I got the wrong on off push button switches. they are monentary (going to use to turn he unit on and off.
whoo 200db gain!!!

I was contemplating trying the 200 db gain but need to figure out a better method of erasing or reprogramming the PIC.
I have been using the code you posted but no different until I erased the pic then I get different results.
why all of a sudden but its happening??
will try breadboarding with a new chip and your code.
then investigate why it doesn't erase the old code but it seemed to before??
perhaps its a glitch in Swordfish??
schematic copy of your circuit??

this is hopfully the circuit you have working??
but using just a 2n2222 instead of the lm386.
not real sure about using the LM386 but maybe??


  • Capture5-6-2009-9.33.26 AM.jpg
    163.8 KB · Views: 359
That schematic should work. How long is your cable ICSP for programming I have found that if it longer then a foot I get cross talk.
cable is only 6inches

Am almost certain the PIC needs to be erased
it had same results after programming with 2 different program codes.
I ran the PIC using pickit2 , erased then entered code.
the circuit worked as planed.
don't know why it is different than before??
Maybe your like me put the wrong hex in it. Done that a time or two made changes and saved with new name and that didn't happen agin LOL
I entered two different codes

and both came out the same as far as the pic operating.
maybe I made a mistake somewhere but need to recheck my connections etc.
redid circuit as per be80be=we have liftoff

the thing works.
of coarse this is after I accidentally applied power wrong and the pic got hot.
don't know if I popped the lm386 or transistors??
going to leave off the lm386, leave the transistor in for the PIR.
QUESTION for be80be=in your photo you have 5 resistors tied to the dip switch?? only need 4??
hopefully can get a board etched and assembled by Monday if I etch it with correct pin spacing.
built enclosure with speaker and PIR installed but need to un shroud the PIR as only half of it is exposed.
Oh yea I applied for a controlled doe hunt come August. freezer needs to be refilled.
oups forgot

without the PIR installed and only using 4.5v I show 2.3ma un-triggered
29.6 ma triggered.
the PIR draws ??
I think I saw it in the data sheet at #ua?
The pic draws lol the fifth resistor is the one that pulled the switch high that I was using as the pir. The PIR it high going low on trigger because that's how your code is.
so I pulled the switch high when trigger it pulls to gnd.
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