I found I need to erase
I kept getting the same results-not my desired result
I loaded one of the first codes without any dip switch routine. still same results
I went into pickit2 and erased the PIC
now I then went back to the junebug (kept getting a voltage error, short on Vcc etc in pickit2
went back to swordfish and now I get results!!
haven't got the dip routine in it but it works ok.
I tried using the LM386 as well as just a 2n2222. not a whole lot of difference but using two different speakers.
I thought I poped a PIC when the short error came up??
yes this is in circuit. Have 2 different circuit noards
1 = just an 18pin socket and the other is a complete circuit.
got same on both as far as errors.
but able to erase the chips first then started getting the error.
I tried erasing using swordfish/Junebug but the red busy led stays on.
seems like it never is going to go off??
gong to assemble one CRITTER RIDDER tomorrow as is.
found I got the wrong on off push button switches. they are monentary (going to use to turn he unit on and off.