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Junebug help??

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2ma is what the meter shows

Kinda high??
I will add the PIR and then check before triggering.
Cleaned up the pc board layout, copied n pasted so I get 9 per sheet.
trying out using photo paper for the silkscreen .
using Pulsar system / laminate r for copper traces then applying the green TFF foil.
taking the CRITTER RIDDER further

contemplating interconnecting several satellite units (PIR and transmitter only) with a base unit with the receiver and PIC etc.See my post FM Transmitter (need to learn trick for links within this site?)
Then making a unit to mount on a vehicle with a larger speaker or transducer.
not real clear about what constitutes a transducer vers a speaker. the unit needs to be weather proof.
any suggestions
confussed as to WHY R4??

redesigning the critter ridder for automotive use and working on pc board but can't figure out why I have R4??
could be left over from copy paste??
plan is to have unit trigger (turn on when car is started so no PIR or any other input trigger.
any reason why not just disconnect pin 1 , 8, and R4?
thinking a cheaper PIC would work but will Junebug be able to program ??
not like there is alot of code.


  • Capture5-22-2009-9.35.44 AM.jpg
    Capture5-22-2009-9.35.44 AM.jpg
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Junebug can program most flash PICs. See if it's on the list.
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A cheap PIC is the 16F628 or smaller 8pin 12F629/675
Remember Swordfish BASIC is only for the 18F and there are no 8pin 18F PICs :(
But you can program the 16F & 12F (14bit core) with PICBASIC Pro
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now I need to alter code

if I go w/ smaller chip
hopfully the conversion isn't to complex??
Just a simple question, I'm planning on getting a case for the junebug I just got on the way home, I haven't measured it and its not with me. What are its dimensions, or better yet, the standard case size its designed to fit?
For a dollar less a chip. time you buy the picbasic pro to use basic to program with you you can buy 120 18f1220 lol
The chip he using has 18 pins. A 12f683 would do it fine it's a dollar chip. But that code in forty lines. Easy done with picpro demo
deerkiller var GPIO.0

    FREQOUT deerkiller,2000,1000      ;port speed time 
    FREQOUT deerkiller,3000,1000
    FREQOUT deerkiller,4000,1000
    FREQOUT deerkiller,5000,1000
  goto Loop
Yes that's all you need to make sound lol
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Here's my junebug in construction, I just want to check one thing real quick
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Is that part right above it there the inductor? and does it matter which way round it goes?
seeing how Swordfish only does 18Fxxxx

maybe I should look at going with C language?
Yo be80be that code you posted looks to easy??
what form of basic??
I keep getting E mails from a EDA cafe that has a coarse in C for $67
maybe take the plunge??
thanks be80be I may look at using that snippet if I go with a smaller chip.
just something about using a trial compiler??
I will fully recommend BoostC. You can easily do your project within the limitations of the free version and can probably use an 8 pin chip.

In regard to changing languages or even compilers. You have only been at it a short while and changing now might be confusing. You said up front that you wanted to put this into production. We should have suggested a compiler that would not have so limited your chip choice.

Unless you are going to make more the a few hundred units I would stay with the 18F family, but look at finding the lowest price for the chip. I found the 18F1320 for

Look to see if there is an 18F that will work with the language you have coded but for less money. Note that popularity seems to have much to do with the price.

I found 18 pin 18F chips on Newark for under $2 in lots of 25 or more. MICROCHIP|PIC18F14K50-I/SS|Microcontroller |
Mr deb That's the whole code It's PICBASIC PRO DEMO. It has built in commands for making sound that's the
FREQOUT works best with a 20MHz oscillator. It can also work with a 10MHz oscillator and even at 4MHz, although it will start to get very hard to filter and be of fairly low amplitude. Any other frequency will cause FREQOUT to generate a frequency that is a ratio of the actual oscillator used and 20MHz.

FREQOUT is not supported on 12-bit core PICmicro MCUs due to RAM and stack constraints.

' Send 1KHz tone on Pin1 for 2 seconds
FREQOUT PORTB.1,2000,1000

' Send 350Hz / 440Hz (Dial Tone) for 2 seconds
FREQOUT PORTB.1,2000,350,440
It's not like swordfish you set the chip in the microcode IDE. It has commands like Pbasic that the Basic stamp uses.
plan is to build 25 or so hopfully.

will look for a cheaper 18F as the code is very short.
Have to agree that changing languages may get confusing.
I have to order some 5v LM2937 as well as 2 - 12v LM2937's anyway
no use reinventing the wheel when I already have the wheel.
this PIC pro basic sounds tooo easy??
talked to an engineer today

who does alot of AVR stuff.
he recommended something called pro vision C or something like that??
highly recommended C language
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