Junebug help??

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what is a bas and sfp file.
I don't see any asm files??
I copied and pasted but get errors
what formatting do I need to add?
why are some letters in bold black and others in green etc.
I think the bold = instructions?
the green are subroutines?


  • Capture4-9-2009-3.31.49 PM.jpg
    185.4 KB · Views: 321
Ahh I see now. You're using the Swordfish BASIC IDE. You should be using MPLAB (and running the Wizard as described in the Junebug manual)
As awesome as the Swordfish IDE is it is only meant for BASIC programs.
MPLAB is an IDE for .ASM (MPASM) & .C (C18, ccs, HiTech, etc...)
Swordfish is an IDE & compiler for .BAS files
PICKit2 has the Logic tool & Uart Tool. It is best for loading .HEX files
PK2CMD.EXE is the DOS command line program.

Close Swordfish and open MPLAB and run the Wizard. The add BLINKY.ASM as a Source file.
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Here's a zip file containing BLINKY.HEX
You can use the PICKit2 2.6x software to load and program (there's a button in the bottom right that does this in one step).


  • Blinky.zip
    264 bytes · Views: 301
futz He has been reading my posts and it rubbed off on him. lol
barbebeaan it's taking over.
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Egads now Im lost again

loaded mplab again
loaded? the blinky asm file but now what
using the swordfish thingy is easier I think but then this is all new
need to locate step by step directions on the mplab I guess
unless theres a short cut??
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You can program with swordfish if you have this set right


  • swordfish.PNG
    13.5 KB · Views: 547
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I is gonna try that be80be

I am using mplab8.2 on win xp -maybe thats why I am having trouble doing anything in mplab
gonna go to swardfish and try your edit suggestion.
just need to figure out what a blind hex is??
Never heard of a blind hex. Just googled for it and came up with nothing. Where did you hear of that?

From this dialog box and it is 'bind' not 'blind'

The thread has morphed..
BIND not blind I missed that

now where to download mplab 7.6
as I only found 8.20
I assume the morphed post was from within mplab not swordfish??
You want 8.20
Just choose absolute if it asks when compiling BLINKY.ASM

I've had little success with integrating Swordfish & MPLAB. Besides the Swordfish IDE is terrific for BASIC programs.
I am using mplab8.2 on win xp -maybe thats why I am having trouble doing anything in mplab
gonna go to swardfish and try your edit suggestion.
just need to figure out what a blind hex is??
the item is "bind hex" and not BLIND HEX
Ps:Oh already clarified by 3v0
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Like I said swordfish doesn't like mplab if it is a newer the 7.6 you don't want 7.6 Just use swordfish it can program your pick swordfish uses command line to build the HEX what i showed you is where you put the command Bill has it in his junebug manual .
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This is one of my gripes with the state of affairs. Microchip has been slow getting MPLAB up to speed. That has encouraged language vendors to create their own IDE's but they are not willing to make them work with microchp ICD (CCS will sell you their version) or make sure their compiler plays nice with MPLAB.

to be80be = a line by line

explaniation on setting up mplab with swordfish would for sure help alot of would be pic programmers.
Blueroom mentioned mplab asking for absolute when trying to get the blinky.asm file working????
I need to get some woodworking projects done for my scout pack. get back at this tonight.
hopfully figure out whats going on.
I thought I had it but then the blinky file won't work.
bas, asm, sfp etc files ???? drive one to drink--lol
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