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Junebug help??

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I read the code you posted

I am pretty sure the one I posted was the one you posted but maybe not??
will copy n paste the posted code and give it a try.
now CON 5 is marked RB3, U5V, GRD
am assuming the RB3 goes to the speaker and grd goes to other side of speaker??
I want to see if I can include

the frequency cals from this
Swordfish Wiki | SwordfishUser / PWM2 browse
we conversed about this but never got into details
I want 2-6khz back n forth but the sequence changes as per Random Number Generator
use the RNG from the swordfish site, mix in the pwm function and set the RNG output to change the frequency sequence.In other words the RNG variable changes the frequency variable to output different frequencies.
never the same sound basically.
shouldn't be too hard--lol
I took the RNGcode + sound code

combined both, changed the magicA & B variables as well as the magic C maxium value
I then compiled in swordfish but need a speaker to test using little Juney bug
any suggestions
according to swordfish compiler it is ok.
the RNG is supposed to be for a 18F452 and the sounder part is for the 18F1320
need to delete the end after the RNG ?? pretty sure??
* Author : [select VIEW...EDITOR OPTIONS] *
* Notice : Copyright (c) 2009 [select VIEW...EDITOR OPTIONS] *
* : All Rights Reserved *
* Date : 4/7/2009 *
* Version : 1.0 *
* Notes : *
* : *
* Name : RandGen.BAS *
* Author : Ahmed Lazreg (Octal) *
* Pocket MicroTechnics *
* Notice : Copyright (c) 2007 *
* : All Rights Reserved *
* Date : 06/10/2007 *
* Version : 1.0 *
* *
* Notes : A Rudimentary Pseudo Random Number Generator (Modulo based) *
* *
* Usage : Call Initialize() to initialize the Initial value of the *
* generator. The generator gives better values when the initial *
* seed value is a Prime Number. *
* For the same Initial Seed, you will get the same serie of *
* generated values. This let you repeat some experiences (and *
* this is why it's called a PSEUDO-random number generator. *
* If you need an automatic different initial value each time you *
* start the number generator, you can set the initial value to *
* the read of an ADC value on a FLOATING Analog PIN of a PIC. *
* Call Rand() to get/generate a new random value *
* *
* You can try to change the Magic Values to change the *
* Pseudo-Random Number Generator Behaviour *
* *

Module RandGen

Const MagicA = 40, // was 7 for magic a variable
MagicB = 10, //was 7 for magic b
MagicC = 100 //was 255

Private Dim Seed As Byte

* Name : Rand() *
* Purpose : Return a new Pseudo Random Number each time called *
Public Function Rand() As Byte
Seed = (MagicA * Seed + MagicB) Mod MagicC
result = Seed
End Function

* Name : Rand() *
* Purpose : Initialize the Random number generator *
* The initial value could be a Value read from a Floating Analog *
* PIC Pin.
Public Sub Initialize(ByVal InitialSeed As Byte)
Seed = InitialSeed
Seed = Rand()
End Sub
RandGen Module... a better implementation (using LongWord vars)

This is my favourite implementation. This implementation use LongWord variables ported from an old BSD Linux Kernel random number generator For X86 platforms(this explains the LongWord usage And big Magic constants). I did Not found the old link from where I ported it first time (To Fortran) when I needed it at university, but this link describes the backgrounds (based on Free BSD also) and a very nice description can be found here HowStuffWorks "How can a totally logical computer generate a random number?" (the version implemented below) .

This implementation introduces RndMax propertie that you could set in the Initialize subroutine. This values sets the interval in which generated values are constrained (normalized). By default, RandMax is set To 255 (max value For a Byte).

This implementation is better than the implementation using Byte variables. It uses two magic constants that makes generated values really fine (seems truly random).

If you really need a nice generator For PIC, use this one (And keep RandMax limited To 255 so that you can assign the result of Rand() Function directly To any Byte variable (the previous sample Program can be reused As is).

* Name : RandGen.BAS *
* Author : Ahmed Lazreg (Octal) *
* Pocket MicroTechnics *
* Notice : Copyright (c) 2007 *
* : All Rights Reserved *
* Date : 06/10/2007 *
* Version : 1.0 *
* *
* Notes : A Rudimentary Pseudo Random Number Generator (Modulo based) *
* *
* Usage : Call Initialize() to initialize the Initial value of the *
* generator. The generator gives better values when the initial *
* seed value is a Prime Number. *
* For the same Initial Seed, you will get the same serie of *
* generated values. This let you repeat some experiences (and *
* this is why it's called a PSEUDO-random number generator. *
* If you need an automatic different initial value each time you *
* start the number generator, you can set the initial value to *
* the read of an ADC value on a FLOATING Analog PIN of a PIC. *
* Call Rand() to get/generate a new random value *
* *
* You can try to change the Magic Values to change the *
* Pseudo-Random Number Generator Behaviour *
* *

Module RandGen

Const MagicA = 1103515245,
MagicB = 12345

Private Dim RndMax As LongWord // Maximum number generated by the generator

Private Dim Seed As LongWord
* Name : Rand() *
* Purpose : Return a new Pseudo Random Number each time called *
Public Function Rand() As LongWord
Seed = Seed * MagicA + MagicB
result = LongWord(Seed >> 16) Mod RndMax
End Function

* Name : Rand() *
* Purpose : Initialize the Random number generator *
* The initial value could be a Value read from a Floating Analog *
* PIC Pin.
Public Sub Initialize(ByVal InitialSeed As LongWord, ByVal pRndMax As LongWord = 255)
RndMax = pRndMax
Seed = InitialSeed
End Sub

* Name : SetRndMax() *
* Purpose : Sets the Max Value that the Random number gen can generate *
Public Sub SetRndMax(ByVal pRndMax As LongWord)
RndMax = pRndMax
End Sub
* Author : [Select VIEW...EDITOR OPTIONS] *
* Notice : Copyright (c) 2009 [Select VIEW...EDITOR OPTIONS] *
* : All Rights Reserved *
* Date : 3/31/2009 *
* Version : 1.0 *
* Notes : hook your sound up from PORTB.3 *
* : *
Device = 18F1320
Clock = 8 // tells the compiler the FOSC speed
Include "Utils.bas"
Include "PW.bas" // import PWM module..
Dim Duty As Byte
OSCCON = %01111111 // select 8MHz internal oscillator
// main program...
PWM.SetFreq(5000) //this set it for a 5000khz

While true
Duty = 40 // this starts it at 2000khz
Until Duty > 100 // takes it up to 5000
Until Duty = 40 // lower it back down

You've got to start using CODE tags when adding code so the formatting is retained. Go Advanced you'll see a # icon.

But hey I think you're starting to get the hang of it.
I tell you what the speaker is going to do click one time when you power it on. I thought
the pwm module would work remove the (DelayMs25)
if you want sound
Device = 18F1320
Clock = 8 // tells the compiler the FOSC speed
Include "Utils.bas"
Include "PW.bas" // import PWM module..
Dim Duty As Byte
OSCCON = %01111111 // select 8MHz internal oscillator
// main program...
PWM.SetFreq(5000) //this set it for a 5000khz

While true
Duty = 80 // this starts it at 2000khz
Until Duty > 100 // takes it up to 5000
Until Duty = 60 // lower it back down

That makes sound that drive me cazy
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you refer to code

will look at advanced.
the stuff I posted was just copied n pasted but not real sure of whats going on.
can you recommend a source to refer to the syntax in swordfish-tried locating but ??
stuff like movlw, TRISA etc??
will take out the delay be80be
do I copy n paste the code you just posted or is it the same as the last sound code you posted?
Well TRIS = Tristate direction register.
0 = Output
1 = Input

By default all I/O pins are Input.

Swordfish BASIC will set the TRIS direction to Output automatically with LOW(x) or HIGH(x) commands.
Just copy and paste in swordfish and build hook you a 8 ohm speaker from RB3 like this
And try this code to
Device = 18F1320
Clock = 8 // tells the compiler the FOSC speed
Include "Utils.bas"
Dim out As PORTB.3
OSCCON = %01111111

 Low (PORTB.3)
 While true
    High (out)
    DelayUS (1400)   // justs change this to change sound
    Low (out)
    DelayUS (700)  // and this to


  • sound.PNG
    7.9 KB · Views: 407
what happened to the pwm stuff?

in an earlier post you had a pwm code section in it that I pasted under the RNG section
using magic A and magic B (found on swordfish site) as variables so the frequency would change as per the RNG.
Did you connect a speaker with transistor to RB.3 ? The earlier PWM program should work. You also must download the module PW.BAS from the swordfish site and put it in the UserLibrary folder.
have several 18F1320 chips on order.

program one to try this circuit out do I connect a cable from CON2 to a bread board?
am assuming so as it has really only has 5 pins.
found a website that has a video on using the pickit2 with swordfish. pretty informative 17 minutes.
Post the link. The PWM (and servo) connector is the 3 pin male connector on the right side of the Junebug.

PS Gramo's (a member here) site has lots of Swordfish examples and schematics. Well worth a look (the link in on the links page of my site)
I think that be80be included it

in the post he did several days ago
will check.
now (need speaker but) connect to RB3 and ground I assume??
I have some 8 inch duel cone SPARK-O-MATIC speakers (where I got them??) but I think I can pull one from an old computer case.
here is the code

that I copied n pasted. and yes I looked in the library and PW.bas is there

Device = 18F1320
Clock = 8 // tells the compiler the FOSC speed
Include "Utils.bas"
Include "PW.bas" // import PWM module..
Dim Duty As Byte
OSCCON = %01111111 // select 8MHz internal oscillator
// main program...
PWM.SetFreq(5000) //this set it for a 5000khz

While true
Duty = 40 // this starts it at 2000khz
Until Duty > 100 // takes it up to 5000
Until Duty = 40 // lower it back down

The 20ma RB3 can source is not enough to drive a speaker, you need to add the simple resistor and transistor driver as shown by be80be.

What you're going to find out is with programming there are almost unlimited ways of doing something. It's confusing at first but stick with it and you'll get the hang of it.
looking at my present code

the RNG defines magic A and magic B but in the pwm section I pasted in it doesn't have a way of knowing that magic A or B = Duty
need to figure it out.
definably going to rob a speaker from an old computer case - duh I have 4 laying around here.
Rob a npn and 10k resistor why your at it and remove the
you want to learn about Alias and Modifiers
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I want to learn about all this code

Now what is an/are Alias and Modifiers??
I need to locate a book or find a website that lists all the commands/syntax and explains them.
any suggestions?
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