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Junebug help??

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Thats one easy way to make a sine wave Thanks for the post.
I can put that to uses .
I tell you what's hard about learning to code a pic is there are many ways to do the same thing but a lot don't mix with what you started.
The best is to stay with one way till you get it down pat.
And for sure read the swordfish help till you know whats going on it's the same as there manual you can down load
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now we are looking at a converter??

I just want a simple 2 - 6 khz sound that goes up and down / back and forth
I just thought the resistor ladder looked easy?
just getting into this PIC stuff.
trying to figure out a timer
still need to salvage a speaker from old computer case
getting farther behind
want something simple, short program code etc.
I would like to end up with just a PIC (programed with an interupt to detect the PIR and emit the sound for 5-10 seconds) , maybe a few resistors, a PIR and a small speaker.
Single tones are easy with a timer, sweeps are not. Would you be satisfied with simply alternating between two tones? Because that's a whole lot simpler.
I want to cycle from 2khz to 6khz

preferably 2, 6, 3, 5, 4, 4, 5, 3, 6, 2
then repeat. total time on = 5-10 seconds
then resets. trigger is a PIR module.
be nice to randomly output the different sounds so it is never the same twice.
I am new to this swordfish basic.
can someone recommend a good book to read about?? n learn.
Languages are best learned from taking apart other people's code and seeing how it works. Just find every piece of swordfish code you can get your hands on, a few of them are likley to be commented, keep re-reading the code until you can't figure it out, then post the code you're getting stuck on and someone should be able to explain it for you. I've never been a big fan of structured learning with programming languages, it tends to teach the bad habbits of the programmer that's doing the teaching, while stifling creativity.
preferably 2, 6, 3, 5, 4, 4, 5, 3, 6, 2
then repeat. total time on = 5-10 seconds
then resets. trigger is a PIR module.
be nice to randomly output the different sounds so it is never the same twice.
I am new to this swordfish basic.
can someone recommend a good book to read about?? n learn.

You can do this on the pic with an array to select the frequency/timing, and a loop inside a loop sort of thing.
My basic is rusty.
You may find this useful. It is a random number generator for the Junebug. It is setup here to flash LED1 with a random number of flashes from 1 to 6 whenever button 1 is pressed.
Device = 18F1320
Clock = 8 // 8MHz clock

Dim TMR1IE As PIE1.0
Dim TMR1IF As PIR1.0

//global variables
Dim Seed As LongWord
Dim i as byte

Function Rand(Range As Byte) As Byte
Dim i As Byte, feed As Bit, temp As Word
    For i = 0 To 7                      //generate 8 new bits
        Feed = Seed.30 Xor Seed.27      //make new bit
        Seed=Seed*2+Feed                //shift left and add new bit
    Temp=(Seed And 255) * Range         //convert from 0-255
    Rand = Temp/256                     //to 0-Range
End Function

//main code starts here

OSCCON = $72            // select 8MHz internal clock
NOT_RBPU=0              //WPUs on port B
ADCON1=$70              //all digital
TRISA=$fe               //Bit 0 output
PORTA=1                 //and high
Seed=$12345678          //seed random number
While true
    if (PORTB.0=0) then             //if button pressed
        for i = 1 to Rand(6)+1      //1 to 6 flashes
            TRISA.6=0               //light LED
            DelayMs(150)            //short delay
            TRISA.6=1               //turn off LED
            DelayMS(150)            //guess
        i=Rand(255)                 //makes more random


It is of course Pseudo Random and produces better results when outside actions select when it is used. Hence the calling of Rand when the button isn't pressed.

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Thanks will definality use

I saw similar on Swordfish site but ??
the flashing LED and switch press will help for sure
just need to do a few changes and add the sounder code be80be did.
I had a piezo sounder laying around and so I hooked it up to RA3 and Gnd and had a play with Swordfish.

This will play 10 random notes (2-6kHz) for 0.25 seconds each whenever button 1 is pressed. I must say it sounds awful.
Device = 18F1320
Clock = 8                   // 8MHz clock

Dim TMR1IE As PIE1.0
Dim TMR1IF As PIR1.0
Dim TMR1 As TMR1L.AsWord        
Dim Speaker As PORTA.3
Dim SpeakerTris As TRISA.3

//global variables
Dim Seed As LongWord, Tone As Byte
Dim i As Byte

//half period delays = clock speed divided by 2*frequency
Const Tones(6) As Word = (2000000/[COLOR="Red"]12000[/COLOR],2000000/[COLOR="red"]10000[/COLOR],2000000/[COLOR="red"]8000[/COLOR],2000000/[COLOR="red"]6000[/COLOR],2000000/[COLOR="red"]4000[/COLOR],1000)

//interrupt routine
Interrupt MyInt()
    T1CON.0=0               //stop timer
    TMR1=-Tones(Tone)       //reset period
    T1CON.0=1               //restart timer
    If Tone=5 Then          //if silence
        Speaker=0           //speaker off
    Else                    //otherwise
        Toggle(Speaker)     //make sound
    TMR1IF=0                //clear interrupt flag
End Interrupt

Function Rand(Range As Byte) As Byte
Dim i As Byte, feed As Bit, temp As Word
    For i = 0 To 7                      //generate 8 bits
        Feed = Seed.30 Xor Seed.27      //make new bit
        Seed=Seed*2+Feed                //shift seed left and add new bit
    Temp=(Seed And 255) * Range         //change Rand from 0 to 255
    Rand = Temp/256                     //to 0 to (Range-1)
End Function

//main code starts here

OSCCON = $72            //select 8MHz internal clock
NOT_RBPU=0              //WPUs on port B
ADCON1=$70              //all digital
T1CON = %10000001       //pre=1
Tone=5                  //no sound please
TMR1IE=1                //enable timer 1 interrupt
Enable(MyInt)           //set interrupt going
SpeakerTris=0           //Setup Port
Seed=$12345678          //seed random number
While(TRUE)             //repeat forever
    If PORTB.0=0 Then       //if button 1 pressed
        For i = 1 To [COLOR="red"]10[/COLOR]     //play 10 tones
            Tone=Rand(5)    //each tone is random frequency
            DelayMS([COLOR="red"]250[/COLOR])    //and for 0.25 seconds
        Next                //end for loop
    Else                    //otherwise
        Tone=5              //silence
        i=Rand(255)         //make rand more random
    EndIf                   //end if condition
Wend                    //end of while loop


The frequencies (doubled), duration and number of notes to play are in red.

Have fun.

Thanks Pommie!!

I was trying to figure out the PWM thing using the PWM table writer but getting lost
Your post will help tremendously
was looking at mplab for the osscope section as pictured on the front of the JuneBug assembly manuel, figuring if the scope would tell me the actual frequency output??Ran across once before but how?? it might not even do what I want.
Using your code plus the random number generator w/ the portb.0 interupt? I think this thing may just become alive.
going to connect a 2n2222, 10k resistor and 8 ohm speaker to con5 output and give it a whirl.
just need to salvage speaker from old computer. found a plug for con 5 yesterday.
THANKS again
Actually yes the logic tool can be used to determine frequency. You'll need to jumper a wire between RB3 and PGC or PGD.
You would capture the waveform (just one frequency at a time to avoid confusion) and use the cursors to measure the period. 1/period will give you the frequency.
While wend I was playing with the timer Mike done did it.
I must say it sounds awful.
Mike code will run you off.
I say maybe them deer will not like the sound to.
Mike I think that's what he want's it to sound awful he trying to run deer off.
It's a lot of fun making sound with swordfish so many way to do it I made a orgin with a keypad and 10 tones it sounded good but them deer
would want me to keep playing lol.
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I need to go purchase

a small speaker from rat shack
all the junk computers I have, none have a small speaker.
did get a 3 conductor plug for the con 5 port(have a 4 cond but the 3 cond. is better)
lets see if be80be can maybe play a sweet lulaby for them deer--LOL
the logic tool is?

in pickit2 or mplab.?
need to find it again to yry it out.
meanwhile going to rat shack to find speaker and might as well get the resistor etc.
I should point out that the code above uses A3, not B3. You can use any pin you like and just need to change these two lines,
Dim Speaker As PORTA.3
Dim SpeakerTris As TRISA.3

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