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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

Junebug PORTB header mod

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futz hope you dont mind i modded your code to replace my busted RA1 pin to the RB0 pin works 100% :D :
	list	p=18F1320
	include	<>

	cblock	0x00

	org	0x0000
init	bsf	OSCCON,IRCF2	;set to 8MHz clock
	clrf	TRISA
	clrf	TRISB
	clrf	LATA
	clrf	LATB
	setf	ADCON1		;make PORTA all digital
	clrf	count
	call	dl_40ms		;allow lcd to settle before init
	call	lcdinit		;initialize lcd
	goto	main

table1	db	"Junebug LCD Demo",0x00

main	movlw	HIGH table1	;display table1
	movwf	TBLPTRH
	movlw	LOW table1
	movwf	TBLPTRL
mnloop	tblrd	*+
	movf	TABLAT,W
	xorlw	0x00		;zero?
	btfsc	STATUS,Z
	goto	next		;yes, done
	movwf	dataout		;no, go again
	call	lcdchar
	call	dl_50us		;wait 50us
	goto	mnloop
next	call	lcd_line2
	call	dl_50us

nbs	movlw	d'100'		;count down from 100 on second line
	movwf	count2
nubs	decfsz	count2
	goto	numbs
	goto	dood
numbs	movf	count2,W
	call	fix
	movf	dec1,W
	movwf	dataout
	call	lcdchar
	call	dl_50us		
	movf	dec2,w
	movwf	dataout
	call	lcdchar
	call	Delay
	call	lcd_line2
	goto	nubs
dood	goto	nbs

; fix - subroutine takes byte passed in W - splits it into two
; ascii bytes in dec1 and dec2, representing decimal digits. 
fix:	movwf	dec2		;put number in dec2
	clrf	count		;count = 0 
	movlw	0x0a		;W = 10
tens:	subwf	dec2,F		;subtract 10 from number
	btfsc	STATUS,C	;result <10?
	goto	again		;no, go again 
	movf	count,W		;yes, put count in W 
	addlw	0x30		;add $30 to make it an ASCII number 
	movwf	dec1		;and store it in dec1 
	movf	dec2,W		;get remainder (2nd digit)
	addlw	0x0a		;put the last subtract back 
	addlw	0x30		;add $30 to make it ASCII 
	movwf	dec2		;store it back in dec2 
	return			;and return
again:	incf	count,F		;increment count 
	goto	tens		;go again 

	movlw	0x80
	movwf	dataout
	call	lcdcmd
	call	dl_50us

	movlw	0xc0
	movwf	dataout
	call	lcdcmd
	call	dl_50us

lcdinit	movlw	0x06		;send 03 nybble
	movwf	PORTA
	call	e_togg
	call	dl_05ms		;wait 5ms

	movlw	0x06		;send 3 second time
	movwf	PORTA
	call	e_togg
	call	dl_160us	;wait 160us

	movlw	0x06		;send 3 third time
	movwf	PORTA
	call	e_togg
	call	dl_160us	;wait 160us

	movlw	0x04		;enable 4-bit mode
	movwf	PORTA
	call	e_togg
	call	dl_50us		;wait 50us
	movlw	0x28		;set 4-bit mode and 2-lines
	movwf	dataout
	call	lcdcmd
	call	dl_50us		;wait 50us

	movlw	0x10		;cursor move & shift left
	movwf	dataout
	call	lcdcmd
	call	dl_50us		;wait 50us

	movlw	0x06		;entry mode = increment
	movwf	dataout
	call	lcdcmd
	call	dl_50us		;wait 50us

	movlw	0x0d		;display on, cursor on, blink on
	movwf	dataout
	call	lcdcmd
	call	dl_50us		;wait 50us

	movlw	0x01		;clear display
	movwf	dataout
	call	lcdcmd
	call	dl_05ms		;wait 5ms

lcdcmd	swapf	dataout,W	;swap nybbles and transfer to w
	andlw	0x0f		;mask out high nybble
	movwf	temp		;rotate left one bit for A1-A4
	rlncf	temp,F
	movff	temp,LATA	;stuff result in PORTA [b]
	BTFSC	temp, 1		;RA1 to RB0 Fix 
	bra	$+6
	bra	$+4		;end of fix[/b]
	bcf	LATB,1		;set RS low
	call	e_togg		;latch the data
	movf	dataout,W	;get byte in w again
	andlw	0x0f		;and mask out high nybble
	movwf	temp
	rlncf	temp,F
	movff	temp,PORTA	;Stuff [b]
	BTFSC	temp, 1		;RA1 to RB0 Fix 
	bra	$+6
	bra	$+4		;end of fix[/b]
	bcf	LATB,1		;set RS low
	call	e_togg		;latch the data
	goto	bleh		;3 cycles - 600ns delay
bleh	nop

lcdchar	swapf	dataout,W	;swap nybbles and transfer to w
	andlw	0x0f		;mask out high nybble
	movwf	temp		;rotate left one bit for A1-A4
	rlncf	temp,F
	movff	temp,LATA	;stuff result in PORTA [b]
	BTFSC	temp, 1		;RA1 to RB0 Fix 
	bra	$+6
	bra	$+4		;end of fix[/b]
	bsf	LATB,1		;set RS high
	call	e_togg		;latch the data
	movf	dataout,w	;get byte in w again
	andlw	0x0f		;and mask out high nybble
	movwf	temp
	rlncf	temp,F
	movff	temp,LATA	;stuff [b]
	BTFSC	temp, 1		;RA1 to RB0 Fix 
	bra	$+6
	bra	$+4		;end of fix[/b]
	bsf	LATB,1		;set RS high
	bsf	LATB,1		;RS high
	call	e_togg		;latch the data
	goto	bleh2		;3 cycles - 600ns delay
bleh2	nop

e_togg	bsf	LATB,4		;toggle E to latch data
	nop			;delay 450ns minimum
	bcf	LATB,4

dl_40ms	movlw	0x7e		;40ms delay
	movwf	d1
	movlw	0x3f
	movwf	d2
dl40_0	decfsz	d1,F
	goto	$+6
	decfsz	d2,F
	goto	dl40_0

dl_05ms	movlw	0xce		;5ms delay
	movwf	d1
	movlw	0x08
	movwf	d2
dl05_0	decfsz	d1,F
	goto	$+6
	decfsz	d2,F
	goto	dl05_0

dl_160us			;160us delay
	movlw	0x69
	movwf	d1
dl160_0	decfsz	d1,F
	goto	dl160_0

dl_50us	movlw	0x1f		;50us delay
	movwf	d1
dl50_0	decfsz	d1,F
	goto	dl50_0

Delay	movlw	0x0c		;.75 second delay
	movwf	d1
	movlw	0x46
	movwf	d2
	movlw	0x04
	movwf	d3
Delay_0	decfsz	d1,F
	goto	$+6
	decfsz	d2,F
	goto	$+6
	decfsz	d3,F
	goto	Delay_0

Hey futz since your always helping you know about look-up tables?

How would i implement one here?

	MOVFW	OFFSET	; Where to start in table
	CALL 	TABLE	; Call the table
	ORG 	0xnn00	; Not sure what this is for here
TABLE 	ADDWF PCL	; add W to the Table Pointer Current Location(address)
	RETLW 	0xnn	; RETURN with Literal in W
AtomSoft said:
Hey futz since your always helping you know about look-up tables?

How would i implement one here?

	MOVFW	OFFSET	; Where to start in table
	CALL 	TABLE	; Call the table
	ORG 	0xnn00	; Not sure what this is for here
TABLE 	ADDWF PCL	; add W to the Table Pointer Current Location(address)
	RETLW 	0xnn	; RETURN with Literal in W
That's the old fashioned pre18F way to do tables. Just use my code as an example to learn how to use the TBLRD instruction and the TABLAT and TBLPTR registers. They're very simple to use. The data sheet has good info too.

Basically, you load the TBLPTR table pointer register with the address of your table. Then you use TBLRD to read the table, autoincrementing or not or whatever you need. Then just read TABLAT to get the result of the table read.
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Nice shots:
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I just ran across this pic of the adapter boards I use. Cheap and easy.
They allow me to use 2x5's for most everything.
On the Junebug I use a female pinheader in place of the molex next to the USB which allows me to use it there too.

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This one indicates the status of each line.
It does not detect a floating line.
A so so debug tool but great for teaching.

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I put this breadboard connector together. I pulled the pins out of the 2x5, cut the long pin connector into two sets of 5. Squeezed together in a vice.


  • Junebug GRN.jpg
    Junebug GRN.jpg
    43.3 KB · Views: 155
Here it is:
Ugly but useful

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Off topic my Power Circuit... (and test LED)

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There is nothing wrong with ugly if it works for you. The key is to find out what works for you.

When I make things for school, which is most of the time, I need several. PCBs saves me time.

While I am on the subject. I like using Eagle (could be any program with schematic capture) to work on projects. If I happen to move on to another project for a while. the schematics for the board can be pulled up when I get back to it. I lack the discipline to make and update schematics for hand wired boards as I make changes to them. Each file in an Eagle project has a description field. I use these to note changes made from rev to rev, if the board was built, assembly notes, and corrections.

I also have a small collection of etched but unpopulated boards. If I need to populate one of these it is easy to match the board rev number to an eagle schematic and board file.
Do you know I was actually working on a small 5V / 3.3V adapter (for Junebug with clamp diodes) that looks very much like the one you posted.
Bill explain something to me...

you say we cant program 3v chips because junebug sends 5v right.... why not just drop the 5v to 3 or so with some resistors and a capacitor ?

DO you need to do anything else beside drop the voltage?
I've got the 3.3V stuff working, the target PIC needs its own power supply and a pair of clamp diodes on PGD & PGC.

Not too tough actually.
I think the mods are fine, that's the fun of a kit. If I could squeeze another connector on the PCB that would be cool.

PS thanks for the "great product" part but personally I'm thrilled people are extending my "baby" and I don't think the mods are "useless" I wish I had thought of them first :)
Everybody is apparently credited by the number of reputation points they have. This is one of the things that are really starting to bug me.
lol futz has the real skills on photo taking. I love his photos seem so clean.

Bill i hope you dont mind. I might copy your design on the junebug and make my own (kind of) of course it will not be for sale as its your design and i would never do that. Just want to have a little more luxury.

Will add:
Port B header
Variable Power Supply (isolated circuit) for use with powering device projects.

PortB header will be 2x5 header with power output

RA6 and RA7 and RA0 will have a DIL Switch to control weather have LEDs on it or a External Clock with a extra I/O pin available on PortA Header

Con 3 will be re-a-ranged to be a PortA header... with power output

Hows that sound?
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