kWh pulse meter + upload to website project: has this been done before?

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New Member
I am working on an idea of mine to create an Internet-connected pulse counter. It's prime purpose is to read the blinking LED on domestic energy meters and then send the measurements to a website. Much like Google's retired power meter project, actually, but then also including the device which attaches to your meter at home.

I have my first prototyping PCB ready and am working on the code for the associated microcontroller. Requirements I gathered so far are:

* Should be able to upload pulse count to a website;
* Content of upload should not enable tracing to an indivual or home;
* Network connection via wired Ethernet;
* Basic feedback via LCD;
* Basic controls via pushbuttons;
* Two probes initially (both for electricity, adding for gas, water later; so 4 in total?)
* All ‘intelligence’ is built into website which does graphing and analysis;

Attached is a PDF of the schematic (which is not yet overly neatly laid out). JP4 is to connect probes (i.e. photodiode(s) to detect pulses). JP2 is there for expansion purposes in case I forgot something. The stuff in the B4:A6 region is the ethernet connection (10 Mbps) including polarity correction circuit. The rest of schematic should be self-explanatory. (if not, ask).

I have the basic code compiling for the selected PIC18F67J60 (programming in C18 using MPLAB X IDE).

Here's my questions:
- Does anybody know of a similar DIY-project? (should have asked this question earlier, I guess)
- Any recommendations wrt layout, requirements, choice of components, idea in general? Any remarks, really.
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Adding of smart meters by the utility means electric is graphable online. I don't know what's available, just know it is. We also had a counter gizmo for the water meter and that was replaced with an RF read meter. No blinking light.
* Content of upload should not enable tracing to an indivual or home;
Aren't all internet uploads traceable by source IP address? Big Brother is watching us all.
Yes, but I don't know how to trace an IP address to a home. An ISP might be able to do that.

I just want to express that if -say- 10 of these units are in the field, I would have no idea looking at the uploaded data which unit sent the data. Only thing needed on the backend is that the unit never changes it (unregistered) identifier (which is probably going to be the Ethernet MAC address).

Adding of smart meters by the utility means electric is graphable online. I don't know what's available, just know it is. We also had a counter gizmo for the water meter and that was replaced with an RF read meter. No blinking light.

Interesting, because over here (continental Europe, the Netherlands to be exact) utility companies seem to be reluctant to introduce this functionality. I have a 'smart' meter, but no way I can view online graphs at this moment. This is what spurred this effort.

I cannot think of any reason why utility companies would help their customers understand their energy usage. From the perspective of the utilities, this will only lead to less sales, even if only minimal.

If you have more information about your local situation: much appreciated!
I am working on smart meters and i need code for the pulse counting...can you provide yours please...i will be grateful to you...
Please email your code
The principle of counting pulses from kWh meters has been around for a long time.
In the 1960's pulses were taken from very light running mechanical switches driven from the meter disc, and pulses were put in electromechanical summator meters.
In the late 1980's electronic pulse detection versions were used, which take a pulse from the black mark on the disc, and pulse them into an external data logger or build in storage device within the meter with a LCD display.

In your case you can read the LED pulse, with an opto reading head. When you can pick up a bounce free pulse you should be able to store that on your computer and plot it against time.
You can count pulses in 15 or 30 minute blocks ( which most utilities do ) and can graph that out to work out Maximum demand readings from that.
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