L298 for 3V motors of tamiya dual gearbox ?

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From the L298 datasheet, do I conclude correctly that a L298 cannot be used to control a 3V motor since the motor suppy voltage must be atleast 2.5v higher than VIH which in turn must be atleast 2.3v ?

I have to control the motors of the tamiya dual gearbox which are rated for 3v and I dont want to cross that limit.
The L298 has two supply voltage pins. One is for the 5V input logic and the other is for the output stage that drives the motor. VIH is the minimum input high logic voltage that has nothing to do with the voltage at the motor.

Like any driver, the L298 has an output voltage loss that depends on the current and whether it sinks or sources current. The datasheet has values for the loss at minimum, typical and maximum amounts of loss.
So how would I ensure that 3v end up on the motor.
since I cannot set the supply voltage as 3v.
See what your driver gives out to the motors when you have 2AA's or 3AA's connected to the Vcc2 (supply for motors).
thanks for the replies guys.
I guess I would just go with BA6209 for motor control.
They have motor voltage control, inbuilt diodes.
PLus they are easily available and much cheaper.
for more current, they can be stacked.
Their pinnout is not weird as well.
I dont know why I ever bought L298
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