laptop transformer

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Hey, i was just wondering if i should worry about my laptop transformer. It gets quite hot when in use.
I am quite interested in how it works, what i mean is, it is just a sealed rectangular plastic case so how does it keep itself from overheating?
It's going to get warm because its a transformer with some other power supply goodies that get warm with load. If you don't over load the unit it will be OK disipating the heat it generates.
They design to run hot, so it doesn't last so long. I've taken mine to bits and added a larger heatsink which sticks out one side through the plastic case. But I don't recommend doing it as there are dangerous voltages inside and you could short something out.
Not all of these transformers/adaptors are created equal. The cord on the PC of mine way fraying so I orded a replacement transformer off ebay. The new one gets so hot that I will not use it. I am not sure if it started that way or if it happened after a few hours. I should measure the actual temperature. Without that we are all guessing.

At any rate I can use the new cord to replace the old one.

I am a little dissapointed i was hoping you were going to tell me that the plastic case was actually some space age material.
Surely although all heat is eventually lost, at a given time less is being lost than produced so it overheats. Also doesnt environment e.g room temp affect heat loss?
I am surprised this is designed to run hot it seems unnecessary why do they not make them run cold?
Anyway thanks for reassuring me mines not gona burn the house down.
Ambient temperature will affect the heat dissipation of any item above room temperature.

If your power supply is running hot, keep it out in the open, where air can circulate freely.
Don't put it under a pillow or down in the couch cushions. Try placing it on a table; on top of two parallel pencils, so air can get under it as well.
funny enough i have tried the pencils idea but didnt see any real result. Ideally i would like it not to get hot at all.
Fabricating an external heatsink is preferable to me with my skill level than attaching a heatsink internally, i shall begin eperimenting.
Have your significant other dial 91 and when they hear the PoP or smell smoke dial the last 1, for immediate rescue help...
Use only recommedned adpators, also I have noticed that the original adapter works better than a replacement one.., not sure why

Laptop adapters are generally SMPS based..
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If you want to reduce the temperature of supply you can mount an heatsink over it or an mini cooler ; bunt in many cases the sources are made to resist at high temperature .
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If your house burns down because of the cheap Chinese transformer and the insurance company finds out the transformer is not approved then they won't pay to replace your house. Cheap junk is expensive.
Many chemical reactions go twice as fast for each 10C rise in temp.
If your 'former lasts 8 years at 40C it will last 4 years at 50C and 2 years at 60C, more or less.
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