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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

Laser or IR beam alarm system

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Looks pretty interesting.I've done the same when I was in high school.I used an SCR instead.Just in order anyone crosses the beam will trigger a circuit and make it work forever.A relay for example.I recorded a voice message in the terminal section of a tape and left the tape recorder playing.While the power to the tape recorder was temporarily cut off by the relay.When mom went back home she triggered the voice message.She got a little surprised....anyway it was interesting.

I suggest that you guys go with a microcontroller such as PIC.Most people here use it.By then you can use the photo sensor as an input of the system,and control as many various outputs as you wish.You want to know how many times the photo sensor has been blinded,then display the number on a couple of LEDs,and you can still control an alarm to sound or whatever you need to work to respond the movement.You've find more interest when you've learned how to do that.Good luck.
I've been trying to get into PICs, but I can't get the programmer to work and I've been busy with other things. I guess I'll just buy one and get that over with :lol:
What type of programmer that doesn't work have you got?Is it an MPLAB ICD2?
There're a lot of 3rd-party programmers you can go with.And if you haven't used ICD2 before,you can try it.Either buying one or building one on your own will help.
Alex_rcpilot said:
What type of programmer that doesn't work have you got?Is it an MPLAB ICD2?
There're a lot of 3rd-party programmers you can go with.And if you haven't used ICD2 before,you can try it.Either buying one or building one on your own will help.

P16PRO40 programmer is the one I tried building.
zachtheterrible said:
P16PRO40 programmer is the one I tried building.

:shock: oops!That's something I've never heard before.Anyway,keep trying.If you can't get it to work eventually,don't stick to it.Try another.There're plenty of sites aboundant in information on ICD2 clones,say Jay's site for example.You may consider going with an ICD2.I can send you a PCB file too.Get it made and simply solder the SMD components,it will work quite well.
i think that this circuit is a little bit cumbersome and i will prefer a magnetic relay instead to be used here along with the LDR
hi where can i find tutorials how to use IR reciever/transmitter...i want to build a simple IR switch but I dont know where to start..
reyandy said:
hi where can i find tutorials how to use IR reciever/transmitter...i want to build a simple IR switch but I dont know where to start..

Check my PIC tutorials, if you don't want PIC's?, then check the Holtek encoder/decoder range.
hi the design is nice & simple to understand.
well, the circuits starts alarming when it is not getting the signal from LED or other transmittter right? Plz guide me to increase the sound level and it should sound permanently untill the user stops it.
dextel I don't think you mean what you say 220 watts input and the output is 220 watts man give me that circuit you just discovered the perpetual moving machine. actualy the original design is bad the 9 volts will last for one shot. Beside i would never biult anything like not when i can buy it for $20
Dexel said:
Pretty nice design. I made one myself but it only has three components. A resistor, transistor, and a photo transistor. I wired it so that I have an input of 220watts and an output of 220watts(so I can use either a radio or a lighting fixture or any appliance running in 220watts) I've been having loads of fun with it but there's just one problem. It turns off as soon as you leave the beam so I want to install a time switch and have it run for a few more seconds after its turned on. Can you help me? I don't know what to add to give it that effect.
hm realy interesting project. Is that means I can use any NPN (2N2222,2N3904,2N3053,etc) and for the PNP (2N2955) can u suggest me on what NPN and PNP transitor to use. thanks
manz said:
hm realy interesting project. Is that means I can use any NPN (2N2222,2N3904,2N3053,etc) and for the PNP (2N2955) can u suggest me on what NPN and PNP transitor to use. thanks
sorry but i also dont know which transistors r used.. i also want to know if u come to know then plz tell me..
shrey said:
hi the design is nice & simple to understand.
well, the circuits starts alarming when it is not getting the signal from LED or other transmittter right? Plz guide me to increase the sound level and it should sound permanently untill the user stops it.
i want to know which transistors r used in this ....means(2N2222 etc)
ira thakur said:
sorry but i also dont know which transistors r used.. i also want to know if u come to know then plz tell me..

i just tried the circuit and its working just fine. the transistor i`m using :

NPN = 2N3904
PNP = 2N2955

but the 2N2955 is i litle bit costly (here in my place), maybe you can replace it with other PNP`s.
manz said:
i just tried the circuit and its working just fine. the transistor i`m using :

NPN = 2N3904
PNP = 2N2955

but the 2N2955 is i litle bit costly (here in my place), maybe you can replace it with other PNP`s.

thanks a lot..
Help In Ir Design

i am designning a circiut for the ir project but i want to know what the distance can be between the sensor and transmitter for optimal working and how i can connect it
how long (time duration) the normal laser pointer can be turned on without damaging it?
can it last for continuosly a couple of hours? maybe 5-6 hours?
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