I use cheap perf-board from eBay all the time. I got some big pieces to build an LED array, I needed 2 but got a pack of 5 since it only cost a bit more. Build, modify and dismantle circuits a few times and some of the pads come off, but it doesn't matter they are only for anchoring anyway. Because it's flimsy it's easy to enlarge holes or make new ones with a square awl. Combine with similarly cheap 0.1mm magnet wire for the connects where component leads won't reach. Use bare wire pulled from old phone cable to make power rails, just tack it down every so many pads. Some bits of hook-up wire do for the longer connections.
The double sided sort is even more versatile.
Bend alternate legs up on a SOP and you can solder the rest to pads. SOT can go at a funky angle, SSOP requires kapton (or "koptan" in my case) tape to help, however.
Cut up it makes handy pieces to make little sub-assemblies.
If I'm stuck for where I am on the board I just push a thick piece of wire through so I can see the hole I want.
I'd quite like to try the square-pad sort, would make it very easy to solder SMDs to.