Latching ic, is there such a thing?

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Here is a simple toggle circuit. 3 of the circuits can be made with one IC. It has built-in debounce for the pushbutton.


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Afternoon, I've come across this circuit during a google search and i would like to ask some questions if that would OK?? i can start a new thread if required depending on the answer i get as i don't wish to hijack this one (even if it is from 2007) basically i am looking to use this circuit to convert a door switch (Van side door) in to a momentary switch. would there be any issues with this circuit if it had the 12V supplied to it all the time the door was open? i know you talk about toggle switches further up but i was just hoping to clarify.

Thank You in advance
would there be any issues with this circuit if it had the 12V supplied to it all the time the door was open?
Not at all

I prefer the debounced toggle circuit below using the CD4013 D-FF.
It uses an RC to delay of the D feedback signal to prevent the FF from toggling more than once during the switch bounce time.
It uses only one R and one C, and doesn't degrade the clock signal rise-time.
For the values shown, the debounce lockout time is about 70ms.

AG's circuit in post #23 is also good.
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Thank you for your reply.

so ultimately I'm not completely sure of how long/short the bounce will have to be.

Ill start a new thread not to muddy the water i think and explain my idea. I'm fairly basic at this but i know pretty much what i want, just not how to achieve it and id like to learn how. i'll drop a link here when its done

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