I need a circuit that will enable me to switch headlights on and off with a single button that will provide 12v when pushed. So after vehicle is turned on at the Ignition switch, the first 12v 'pulse' will turn the H/L on and the next push of the same button will turn the lights off etc. and when car is turned off and power to the circuit is removed, it will return to its default state of lights off.
I have studied several circuits, but either the button required is connect to ground, or it has to accept current in either direction (neither of which is possible) or it contains electronic components that I want to avoid in this instance.
Can anyone suggest a circuit using the minimum number of relays that will do this?
I've often seen a circuit posted by John DeRosa (Hotwaterwizard - see below) that would appear to do what I need, except I cannot see that it works. However I look at it, it doesn't do what it purports to do. Maybe I'm just not understanding it, in which case can someone please explain how it does work. Otherwise, any other solutions?