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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

Latex Math Equations

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Accurate formula for calculating filter capacitor size on a linear regulator.

[latex]C = \frac{I}{V_R} \times \left(\frac{1}{4f} + \frac{arcsin{\left(\frac{V_{IN}-V_R}{V_{IN}} \right)}}{2\pi f} \right)\\
C=\text{Minimum capacitance required}\\
V_R= \text{Maximum ripple}\\
V_{IN}= \text{Input voltage, excluding diode losses}\\
I=\text{Current drawn by regulator}\\
f= \text{Frequency}\\
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2 a squared x b squared = A etc?
+ 2 b square c square = B
+ 2 a square c square = C
- a raised to the power of 4 = D
- b raised to the power of 4 = E
- c raised to the power of 4) = F
/ 16.
The whole expression is under root.

In American English, do you mean
X = [(A+B+C-D-E-F)/16]^0.5, so if A = 6, B= 5, C = 4 and so on, then X = 0.75?

and B, for example, = 2(b^2)(c^2), so if b = 2 and c = 3, then B = 72?

so I should come up with a general equation that solves for a, b and c?

If that's what you mean, I'll give it a try, but if I can't solve it in 10 pages I will quit.

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Whay are you responding to a post made over a year ago?

Aslo this thread is about the Latex feature of this forum, not maths help.
why when I type a latex command into Word, it doesn't convert it?

in otherwords, in what softwares can Latex be used?
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why when I type a latex command into Word, it doesn't convert it?

in otherwords, in what softwares can Latex be used?

It probably would have been better to start a new thread, considering this one is 6 years old! :p:D

Word has its own equation editor that works differently from the latex editor here on the site. Depending on your version, you'll probably have to go to "Insert" and select "Equation". It doesn't take commands, though. The software is completely different, which is why it doesn't convert it automatically for you.
kewl. [latex]\longmapsto[/latex]
Hi all,
I have found the MatDeck software website that has the following features:

· Simple editing of mathematical formulas
· Approximately a thousand mathematical functions
· You can create custom GUIs plus, many other technical features
· DSP processing , AI (artificial intelligence)
· Live documentation with programming in C and Python in real time
· Affordable cost with options for free subscriptions

I have put a lot of things above but I’m just wanting to know is there anything similar to this?
I have also attached some complex examples below, looking for your suggestions.


  • natural-logarithm-in-complex-plane.pdf
    188.3 KB · Views: 437
  • polynomials.pdf
    89.1 KB · Views: 396
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