LCD Screen for PIC16F84A

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Agent 009

New Member
I need an LCD screen to work with my PIC16F84A... What should I get? And do I need some extrenal components to make it work???
Agent 009 said:
I need an LCD screen to work with my PIC16F84A... What should I get? And do I need some extrenal components to make it work???

You should get an LCD text module, standard interface and simple to use - check my tutorials!.
Nigel's tutorials are very helpful

just pass by my store and i ll give u the appropriate one hehhhehhe, just kidding :wink:
nisrine said:
just pass by my store and i ll give u the appropriate one hehhhehhe, just kidding :wink:

As you don't have your location filled in, it would be VERY difficult to 'pass by' - or indeed, even know if we had? :lol:
Lol , i thought advertising is forbidden in the forum
That's why i dind't mention the location I hate being banned :cry:
nisrine said:
Lol , i thought advertising is forbidden in the forum
That's why i dind't mention the location I hate being banned :cry:

A great many questions asked here are location specific, particularly in regard to legal issues and component availability, which is why it makes sense to enter your location (at least the country!) in your profile.

I see no relation whatsoever between advertising and mentioning your country?, I have my location filled in (as do many users), and it's never been suggested I'm advertising anything (not that I could, as I don't sell things).
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