Lcd tc1602a

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New Member
Hi ,

i got some problem with the project im doing right now.
i wire wrap all the pin on the LCD to the respective micro controller port.
as well the Vcc , GND, Vee(contrast) . and the additional 2 pin for the backlight of the LCD.
The problem is, when i load in the program to my micro controller for the LCD test.
It shows that it's working, however the contrast is very dim.
Im think there nothing wrong with the variable reisistor that i use for setting e contrast. because i also went to short the Vee to GND, which make it no reisistance.
But it appear that the words on the LCD display is very dim.

Anyone know what's wrong with it?

Do you have the lcd contrast variable resistor connected between +V and 0V with the slider/wiper going to the lcd contrast pin.??

Manage the potentiometer, that you read approx 0.7V at the pin3(contrast pin) of the LCD display for better contrast.
i manage to spot something amiss.
The Transistor that connects the buzzer seem really hot. After taking it out. My LCD contrast went back to normal.

Anyone know what happen to it, i'm sure i didn't mix up the polarity.



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i manage to spot something amiss.
The Transistor that connects the buzzer seem really hot. After taking it out. My LCD contrast went back to normal.

Anyone know what happen to it, i'm sure i didn't mix up the polarity.


Usually the backlight has a low value series resistor!

What are you using for a buzzer.?
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