Well you don't mention the make, the model, or even what country you're in? - but assuming it's a micro?, you would need to obtain one ready programmed from the TV manufacturer - there's not a hope at all that they would provide you with the code to program your own chip.
However, it's VERY, VERY likely that the chip isn't available, repairs to LCD TV's are almost entirely board replacements only, with most manufacturers no longer supplying even schematics to their service network.
I've had considerable experience repairing CRT TV's after lightning strikes - mostly for my own 'interest' - as all you can do for the customer is give them a write-off estimate for their insurance. You can't give them a repair estimate, without repairing it first - so the only option is a write-off estimate.
Anyway, here's how lightning repairs generally go:
1: Locate faulty IC, replace it - set still faulty.
2: Locate next faulty IC, replace it - set still faulty.
3: Locate next faulty IC, replace it - set still faulty.
(repeat as required): Locate next faulty IC, replace it - set still faulty.
xx: Set now works - CRT has been damaged by lightning (shadowmask deformed) - scrap set.
So while I've successfully repaired a few, the vast majority end up scrap, even if you manage to get them working at all. It helps if you have a scrap chassis, that you can remove chips from to replace the faulty ones, so you're only spending time and not money.