LED blinking project

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Hi everyone! I hope this is in the right spot. So I have some basic knowledge of electricity. Well I'm studying to be an electrician. PLC's are pretty much the extent of my knowledge. And digital electronics is just a part time passion. So I'm asking for some help.

Game plan: I would like to just create a basic LED blinking circuit. I want just one LED to blink. So I know I will need: 300Ω current limiting resistor for the LED (6 volts / .02 amps = 300 ohms), another resistor (i don't know what it does i'm guessing it has something to do with setting the frequency), 1 or 2 NPN transistors, a capacitor like 10µF (again i'm not completely sure what this does in the circuit, I'm guessing this is what causes the circuit to equalize the dc wave so you have off and on nothing in between)

Now last year I did get 2 LEDs to alternate like a police car using this circuit.

Now if i remember correctly the transistors in this circuit are messed up. Well its shows the base emitter and collector and i believe the the emitter and collector is switched. So this means the bottom left transistor is reversed and needs to be drawn differently.

So my plan is to eventually create an inductive circuit for "wireless power" but i would like to just be able to create a pulse for it.

I would use a 555 timer but I believe my only one is bad (my pin 3 gets power all the time), so i'm limited to transistors or some how uses a LM-385 or LM-741 which are amps.

So if someone could please help me out and getting this LED to blink using transistors and capacitors that be great!

PS. for a side question: For induction would it be easier to use AC power to induce onto a second coil and then use a bridge rectifyer to convert it to DC or would it just be as easy to use DC and create pulses (if you can do that)?

Thanks a lot!

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