LED cube help ?

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New Member
Hey, can anyone give me the HEX file of this and tell me how he did it (i've used LED cube pattern generator), im kinda new , thaaaanks a lot.


  • ledpattern.asm
    3.5 KB · Views: 234
That title won't get many hits... I changed it to cover a bit more detail

What bit do you need help with
oh thanks alot, i've used LED CUBE PATTERN GENERATOR to generate my pattern, than an ASM file came out (i posted it), i puted into MPLAB to extract the HEX file but it said invalid syntax , can u help to convert it or something ?
That is only part of the asm file, there's a lot more code goes into it than just that. This part is simply your binary bit patterns being loaded into the W register and then stored in each of the layer variables. Then a routine called output is being called. Presumably it will shift each layer variable out to the various port pins where your LED's or buffers are located, perhaps have a delay of some sort, then return to do it again and again, until you reach the end of your pattern, at which point it is going to return back to whatever routine called it. How much programming experience do you have? Based on what you mentioned, you are working with a PIC micro, but which PIC micro? Do you have a schematic of what you are attempting to build? A few of the members here have designed and built various LED cubes, but in order to help you, we all need to know the itsy bitsy little details of what you are trying to do
I'm the one that changed it to work with different chips 8 years ago I posted it
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